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-- suoluo wei about cardiff

● about love, people have many definitions: love is life in poetry and the sun.

・・・・・・・・・・・  -- belinskiy

● love is understanding and considerate alias.

・・・・    -- rabindranath tagore

● what it means to love a person? this means that for his happiness pleased to enable him to do more to be done and well-being of all and be happy from them.

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・   -- chernyshevsky

● real love, give up personal happiness only after generated.

・・・・・・・・   -- lev tolstoy

● love is a great teacher, she taught us new leaf.

・・・・・・・・   -- moliere

● true love like a beautiful flower, the more open barren ground, it appears that the very eyes of wyatt.

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ -- balzac

● after all, love is a person's self-worth to someone else reflected.

-- emerson




-- suoluo wei about cardiff

● about love, people have many definitions: love is life in poetry and the sun.

-- belinskiy

● love is understanding and considerate alias.

-- rabindranath tagore

● what it means to love a person?  this means that for his happiness pleased to enable him to do more to be done and well-being of all and be happy from them.

-- chernyshevsky

● real love, give up personal happiness only after generated.

-- lev tolstoy

● love is a great teacher, she taught us new leaf.

-- moliere

● true love like a beautiful flower, the more open barren ground, it appears that the very eyes of wyatt.

-- balzac

● after all, love is a person's self-worth to someone else reflected.

-- emerson

● understanding of love because people tend to love the sublimation and firm up their determination and enterprising spirit.

-- francis bacon

● believe that love, even if it brings sorrow to you to believe that love.

-- rabindranath tagore

● in addition to love, without giving their own, with the exception of their own, without acceptance.

-- ji bolun

● when love tapping shoulders, even on weekdays on the poetic are dismissive of the men, will become a poet.

-- plato

● marriage of love, humanity must not continue; friend's love, so that a more perfect human realm; yinxie love, humanity and ruined degeneration.

-- emerson

● love a person means to help him to return so that he is his own.


● who is not for whom the expense of love, who for whom what to do, once such a love, it's not love.


● love is a natural liu yi out of dedication.

-- friends of this letter,

































1 只要你願意努力嘗試,你就能為我工作;如果你不願意努力嘗試,你就不能為我工作。

2 記住,氣球能不能升起,不是因為它的顏色、形狀,而是氣球內充滿了氫氣;一個人的成就,不是因為種族、出身,關鍵是你的心中有沒有自信。

3 你只需要集中精力打好比賽,那些讚美和批評都是在說別人呢。

4 是!不知道的,你是絕對不能說知道的,我們那這是絕對不允許的。知道就是不知道,不知道的就不能瞎說。

5 碰到難題時,請求別人的幫助也是解決之道。

6 廚房裡的蟑螂絕不是只有一隻。

7 只要你有夢想,又肯抬腳走,那麼你的腳肯定比山高。

8 在美國,我們談論一個人時,不會問他是什麼階級,而是問他有什麼能力。

9 貧是無才,賤是無志;最容易的是放棄,最難的是堅持。

10 要是你跌在地上,就想辦法抓一把沙。

11 總有一天你會明白,仁愛比聰明更難做到。

12 全世界的黑暗也不能使一支小蠟燭失去光輝 。

13 世界上最難的事就是堅持做最簡單的事,能把一件事堅持做到最好的人才可能有所成就。

14 沒有任何工作是不重要的,一個有遠大志向的人,即使做最簡單的工作,也會做得比別人好很多。

15 無論何時,只要你努力嘗試,就不會失敗。

16 任何人都可能對你失約,要想達到自己的願望,那就自己開始行動。

17 一個人如果連自己都管不住,還能成什麼事?

18 你我總有一天要永遠地躺在這兒的。沒有了你,你目前的工作還市會有別人接著來做。

19 坐在別人的肩頭上摘蘋果容易,但,那樣摘下來的蘋果沒味道。

20 每一隻漂亮的蝴蝶,都是歷進艱辛,衝破了束縛她的難看的繭,才擁有漂亮的未來的。


1. 生活,勻速的是愛,不勻速則變成一種傷害。

2. 一段感情能給你帶來多大痛苦,就曾給你帶來過多大快樂。

3. 給我一個支點,讓我重新撬動你的心好嗎?可令我難過的是,直到你離去,也始終不肯給我這個支點。

4. 如果你的婚姻不幸福,那就回來找我吧,哪怕我已經老得走不動了,我也會帶你一起私奔的。

5. 當我們都老的時候,我希望還能吻著你的牙床,直到永遠。

6. 我顛倒了整個世界,只爲擺正你的倒影。

7. 失戀的人雖各不相同,但仰望星空卻是唯一的不約而同。

8. 如果一個人的感情得到了解脫,那麽另一個人將走向可怕的地獄。

9. 愛情就是上輩子欠下的情債這輩子來還——我上輩子一定俗不可耐,搞得我今生無債可還!!

10. 愛,從來就是一件千回百轉的事。不曾被離棄,不曾受傷害,怎懂得愛人? 愛,原來是一種經曆,但願人長久。

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