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我的日常生活英语作文 篇一

Pollution has become a serious problem all over the world. There are many reasons for pollution. Transportation is the main pollution factor when automobile exhaust gas is discharged.

If the air is polluted, people will suffer from respiratory diseases if they breathe the polluted air. Another factor is that people litter everywhere. All kinds of garbage not only destroy the beautiful environment, but also cause environmental pollution.

Industrial pollution is also a problem worthy of our attention, factories Waste water is discharged into rivers, causing water pollution. Greenhouse effect has become a problem that needs our immediate attention and solution. At present, some countries in the world have taken some measures in case of emergency.

People classify the garbage, and some garbage is recycled after collection. People are also encouraged to use products instead of plastic products, because we know that if we continue to ignore this problem, our living conditions will be worse, and I believe that as long as we work hard, we can prevent pollution.


污染在世界范围内已� 造成污染的`原因是多方面的,当汽车排放废气时,运输是主要的污染因素,空气被污染人们呼吸被污染的空气会患上呼吸系统疾病另一个因素是人们到处乱扔垃圾各种垃圾不仅了优美的环境,而且造成了环境污染,工业污染也是一个值得我们关注的问题,工厂废水排入河流,造成水污染,温室效应成为一个需要我们立即警惕和解决的问题,目前世界各国都采取了一些措施以防万一,人们对垃圾进行分类,有些垃圾收集后被回收利用。人们还鼓励人们使用纸制品而不是塑料制品,因为我们知道如果我们继续忽视这个问题,我们的生活条件会更糟,我相信只要大家都努力,我们就能防止污染。

我的日常生活作文 篇二



学校里没有什么店面,只有在行政大厅与教学楼中间“夹”着一个咖啡厅。咖啡厅的叔叔是一位刚北漂回来的年轻小伙子,咖啡厅不只卖咖啡还卖奶茶,这便是我们学生的最爱, 几个月下来,也与叔叔混熟了起来。





我的日常生活优秀作文 篇三





第二场比赛开始了,我的心里暗暗发誓,一定要把球踢进蓝队球门!我和表弟商量了一下决定趁蓝队不注意时我先抢球,即便抢不到也可以扰乱他们的进攻。如果抢到,就传给表弟,表弟跑得快,利用闪电般的速度甩掉敌人,把球踢进对方球门,到时必定会赢!表弟按照我的计划做了,可是就我们两个知道这个计划,其他队员都不知道,更不会配合了。我把球抢来后, 传给表弟,这一步成功了,蓝队队员都没反应过来,正在这最关键时刻,有一个我队队友挡住了表弟的视线。啊!表弟那个快球踢歪了,蓝队队员趁机一拥而上,把球踢进了我方球门!当时我们守门员也没反应过来,因为那个球太快了。



我的日常生活优秀作文 篇四







我的日常生活初中英语作文 篇五

Joy in living comes from having fine emotions, trusting them, giving them the freedom of a bird in the open. Joy in living can never be assumed as a pose, or put on from the outside a mask. People who have this joy don't need to talk about it, they radiate it. They just live out their joy and let it splash its sunlight into other lives as nature as a bird sings.

We can never get it from working for it directly. It comes, like happiness, to those who are aiming at something higher. It's a byproduct of great, simple living. The joy of living comes from what we put into our living, not from what we seek to get from it.

我的日常生活作文 篇六









我的日常生活英语作文 篇七

As a junior high school student, my life is indispensable endurance endurance; tenacious perseverance and rough experience … …

Hard work weekend, parents back to grandma and grandpas home, cleaning the event will fall on my head. I clean the table and wash the dishes for two times, the dishes clean like jade like spotless. I also swept all over the place, but because the floor has been bent waist, feeling the waist can not get up straight, you can see the spotless ground, the heart relaxed a lot. Doing so is a sore back. In contrast, I really admire the spirit of parents hard work.

At the beginning of the new semester unremittingly, the English teacher asked each person every day to listen to the fifteen minute tape, finishing the correction, do optimization "practice" class, "cloze test", "reading" and "listening". I was frightened by this vast amount of homework, but the teacher encouraged us to believe in our perseverance, so I did my best. Sure enough, I got into this good habit and insisted on doing it every day, and I didnt believe it. In the second test, I improved by eight points, which made me see the return and provided the motivation for the future. I insist, but also get the rewards, I believe will do better in the future.

The sports class never yield in spite of reverses of the basketball game, I missed “ 100 ”, which I did not have the confidence, also received the ball not to vote. So my classmates encouraged me, and I got a little bit of confidence and shot again, and to my surprise, — — the ball went in. Slowly, my confidence began to increase, and finally, I completely restored confidence, the ball hit rate is nine out of ten, become a black horse on the field. On the road of growth, there are some difficult experiences, and the most important thing is how to look at it. It is an important choice to choose whether to go forward or retreat.

This is my life, bitter and sweet.

我的日常生活英语作文 篇八

i have a regular and busy daily life on weekdays. i get up early at about 6:00 in the morning. after breakfast, i go to school by bike. we usually have a morning class and four classes in the morning, four classes in the afternoon. i take an active part in the after-school activities.

i usually play football with my friends for about an hour then i go home. after supper i do my homework, then i surf the internet and listen to some weekends, i usually visit my friends and grandparents. sometimes i go to movies with my parents.

我的日常生活初中英语作文 篇九

Now let me tell you something about my living habits.

Every moring,I read and exercise.I often run and play basketball.For lunch,I eat lots of vegetables and fruit.I usually have some milk after lunch.Then I start reading or doing My homework.The class finishes at about 5:30 in the afternoon.Then I always run.When I get home,it is often 6:40p.m.I always finish my homework at about 9:30p.m.I go to bed at about 10o'clock.

I use the Internet everyday.Sometimes I use it for fun.I hardly ever watch TV and I eat junk food two to four times a week.

How about you?Do you want to know more about me?If you do,you can write a letter to me at 3067738309@

我的日常生活英语作文 篇十

Time flies, and the winter vacation is over. I recall the winter vacation, I feel very happy!

Mom and Dad took me to the park to ride a horse, I sat on the carousel, clinging to the horses neck, lest the horse fall down! The horse quickly spins, and I feel everything around me is following me. The dodgems, I suddenly feel that they can drive a car!

Sometimes, after I finished my homework, my father and mother also took me to play badminton, I play the technology is higher than my mother! Mom and dad repeatedly praised me best!

Really happy winter vacation!





我的日常生活英语作文 篇十一

My family lives on this street. In the morning, my father goes to work and all the children go to school. My mother takes us to school everyday. She does the housework. She always has her lunch at home, and sees her friends in the afternoon. In the evening all the children come home from school. They always get home early. My father goes home from work and he is often late. After supper my two brothers and I do our homework. We go to bed at ten.


我的日常生活初中英语作文 篇十二

Hello, my name is Peter. This is my day. I have a busy day. My Saturday morning is very busy. Every Tuesday, I'm always busy. I'm always busy on Monday. I always get up at six o'clock. I usually brush my teeth and wash my face at a quarter past seven. I sometimes have breakfast at half past seven. But I never go to school at eight o'clock because it is too late. When I come back home from school. I'm always busy. )First, I do my homework. It's very easy for me. Second, I wash my hands and have dinner. Then I watch TV and do a puzzle. After that, it's seven fifty. I do some exercises in English and maths. It's eight fifty-nine now. It's time for bed. I'm going to sleep. After I sleep and wake up, the next day begins!

我的日常生活初中英语作文 篇十三

I really had an interesting but short winter the January 23rd, it snowed in ChongQing. I felt surpised and happy. I quickly went out of the house. And I made a snowman with my little sister. Then we had a snowball fight. Although it was cold,we both felt very happy.

During winter holiday, I always got up at 11 o'clock. After lunch, I did the dishes and did my homework. If my friends came to see me, we always went shopping and had afternoon tea togther.I also did sports during winter holiday. I often did a morning run. Because it can help me to bulid my strength.

In a word, I had a nice winter holiday.
