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Do you often invite friends to visit your home?

I am a working professional and the few friends that I do have in the city, the invitation is never very formal for the friends that I have. It is more like having a common interest and doing it at either of the places. Inviting friends to come visit home is not a common thing that I do, more often because we stay together for the most part in the office.

Do you like visitors coming to your home?

I do love people coming to my home and meeting but only to an extent where I don’t find any hindrance in my daily routine. For example, someone coming at 6’o clock in the morning could be sometimes irritating especially when done regularly. Also, there are few people who are close to my heart, I don’t bother much about their coming and visiting often, but I prefer fewer acquaintances visiting home.

How often do visitors come to your home?

Well, most of the friends that I have made are men and the place where I am presently living does not allow men in the house. So, we don’t have much of visitors in the house. But, yes sometimes when it is a special occasion people do come in and we celebrate together.

Do you prefer to have friends visit you or relatives?

I like friends more because there is a comfort zone with friends that I do not find in relatives. Friends know us more and there is nothing to pretend. With relatives, there are basic etiquettes to be maintained and be the host. With friends it is more like, it is their home as well, so less of formalities. However, with anyone visiting it is always a change, something I do prefer.

What do you usually do together with your visitors?

Most of the times we go out travel and explore the city. I remember, last time when a friend of mine came to visit me, we went to Yufo temple and had lots of fun there. Other times, we sit down at home only, cook good food and spend quality time. So, it is mostly a mix bag of both, travelling and laying back.

When someone visits you, how do you show hospitality?

It depends on the time till they have come. If it is the small visit of few hours, I usually ensure they get to eat good and have a good time, talking together. But, if they are staying back for few days, I ensure they get good food and nice sleep. More importantly, make sure they do get to visit the place I am living in. I ensure they don’t have a problem commuting in the city and take back home some memories to cherish.



老师:首先要知道雅思口语考试中最重要的是第一部分。那么要把这部分的问题自问自答,注意自己答案pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and fluency .每天要练习2个话题,例如,周一a famous person who influenced Chinese history/a person who took care of you when you were little.最重要的就是把思路整理一下,这样考试中就可以有备无患了。一共70多个,那么每天2个就可以了。

考过雅思的人都知道口语的分数有的时候要受外界因素的影响。首先如果你的话题卡是你熟悉的题目,那么你的分数会高。例如,a friend/a leader。这两个卡片在一分钟的准备时间内,你应该后一个谈的好吧。其次,要达到6分,时态非常重要。考官问你, when did you last go to the park?那你必须要使用过去时,否则分数肯定在6一下。所以6分就是语法,词汇的运用。例如,beautiful campus是个错误的用法,而要使用large campus/small campus.这种小细节也要注意。


老师,我有3个问题想向您咨询 1:口试问题广,新题目又不断出现,如何复习呢?2:如果自己照着机经练习的话根本不知道自己说的好不好,有错误自己也不知道;而雅思口语备考书虽然有参考答案但是问题陈旧。3:口试时许本来就很紧张,考官提的一些问题我们平时根本就想不到。请老师指点!

老师:1.将话题分类,例如a sport/relaxation method/magazine/TV program/your holiday这些都可以围绕着体育来讲,这样就省劲了。





老师:你要从评分项着手,pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency. if you have problems with your pronunciation, you can go to a native speaker's class. if grammar is your waeak point, do some chinese-english translation. as for vocabulary, think of some interesting expressions for the same answers. for example, 如果考官问中国人收集什么,答案是stamps不可能得到高分的。要用antiques, butterfly samples, car models, perfume bottles.















有时候我们会发现有些学生在两场考试中抽到了同一张话题卡片,其实这并不都是运气的因素。其实在回答第一部分时,我们可以适当显示自己的兴趣点所在,比如有些人特别喜欢篮球,就会在leisure activity的相关考题中兴高采烈的描述,而接下来考官给出的话题卡极有可能是关于体育的。在考场中有这样的现象,所以考生可以适当显示自己的兴趣点,以取得先机。但这也并不是说在考场中考官就百分之百会这么做,有时也会给出生僻的卡片。但是这仍然是值得我们尝试的,毕竟,我们也不会有什么损失。



在说之前,我先说说我前两次考鸭的口语成绩吧,分别都是4分。惨! 考的时候,我并不知道为何这么低分的,我可是有充分准备的,而那些并没有我这般充分准备的战友们,却个个都至少考5分,甚至更高,why? 但现在我才知道,就是因为这个该死的评分标准。














I don't know, but my brother thinks that .....(我不知道,但我的兄弟认为。。。)

I don't know, but my father thinks that .....(我不知道,但我的爸爸认为。。。)

I don't know, but my friends think that .....(我不知道,但我的朋友们认为。。。)


另外,如果你听不清楚考官问什么问题时,一定要考官重复一遍,这是不会扣你分的,而且是你的权利。因为不同考官口音的不同,有时候会出现听不清楚问题是很正常的,考官是允许你让他重复一次问题的,(这是考口语,又不是考听力,对不?)如果对方重复了一次问题,你还是听不清楚,呵呵,你只好猜了,再要重复,人家可能要扣你分了。你可以说:i'm sorry, do you want me to talk about __X?

总结:反正在F这部分,要求的就是你口语流畅,只要你没有停顿(停下来>=5秒),那么你在这部分至少就可以得6分。明白吗?(P.S.: 我在前两次考鸭中,口语都是停停说说的,怪不得我才得4分了。在第二次考试中,我还故作沉思状,哎,怪不得死得一样惨。)



I think that ....

I figure that ....


你不要认为figure会比think的效果要好得多,其实并不然。在英语中,think直接明?,是很formal的(正式的)。而figure却是informal(不正式的),而且还是very informal(非常不正式的)。英国的雅思老师告诉我,最好不要使用figure为“认为”,无论在任何场合,因为是very informal的!所以如果象这样用错了词汇,你就肯定在这部分被扣分了。


(P.S.: 我在前两次考鸭中,每当说到“我认为”时,我都说“I figure that...”,当时我还以为自己很牛B呢,没想到。。。怪不得才得4分了。)






“我更喜欢......” 应该说:“i prefer like to...”,不应该说:“i more like to...”

“我不擅长于...” 应该说:“i am not be good at...”,不要说:“i am not good for...”

“....是如此简单” 应该说:“It's so easy for ...”,不要说:“.... is so easy”

总结:如果你可以好好地,熟练地掌握中学所教的英语语法以及短语,而且把它转化为口语去掌握,那么你在这部分至少有6分的水平(P.S.: 俺的语法水平从来都不好,说得急了,就忘了什么时态了,所以前两次才得4分。大家要留意这点血的教训!)





(P.S.: 我上一次考鸭中,口语考官皱了好几次眉头,看来我的发音不好,他没有听明白,怪不得4分了)


1、进入考场的时候,一定要和考官打招呼,讲句“good morning”什么的都可以,而且要有精神和很神气地说,让人家在第一映象上觉得你是懂英语的,且让他感觉你在说:“come on! ask me question!”


To sum up:




Talk about a favourite class you like

My favourite class that I took was a class I took about five years ago. The class was on International Trade and Marketing for an International Market. I was a second-year student at university and I was eager to begin to specialize in my field. You see at that time I had all these ideas about how I could get rich by selling Chinese-made products to the west. You know, I think there are a lot of people who have the same dream that I did. My thinking was that what I could sell wasn't available in the west, so international marketing would just be about telling the world about it, and then waiting for the money to come in.

In this course we had a professor who was not only knowledgeable from a theoretical standpoint, he also had a lot of practical knowledge, since he used to work for a Chinese company who sold products in America. He lived in America and supervised the efforts of the marketing department, so he had a rich knowledge of the kinds of things that can go wrong when you're trying to market to people from a different market. He told us how some Chinese executives would choose certain clients over others only because they were willing to make advance payments, but that in fact the clients who wanted better .credit terms were actually more profitable clients. He said it was natural for executives to favor clients who paid early in China, but that in the west where credit was the norm most clients thought it quite normal to pay over long periods of time. He said that some clients took advantage of this mindset to try and squeeze lower prices out of his company.

The style was completely anecdotal. By that I mean he just told stories. He tried to organise these stories as they related to the theory, and they tended to make sense from a practical way of looking at the issues. He also gave us a lot of humorous examples of cultural differences along the way. But he also told us that people are people wher


1. What do you think of teachers?

Teachers normally serve as role models, because students and young children are likely to imitate their behaviour. So, teachers should have high moral standards. Moreover, elementary school teachers should be patient enough, because these students are naughty and lack self-discipline.


2. Did you (do you) like your high school teachers?

I love my teacher, well I think, I can say she is a qualified teacher that she not only provides instruction in literacy and numeracy, but also teaches us the arts and life skills. Well, overall, we can learn both academic knowledge and extracurricular experiences in her class.


3. Do you think it’s important to like your teachers?

Well, I think, it’s quite important. In fact, teachers have huge influence on how students perceive the course materials. Students who love their teachers show great enthusiasm towards the course and have positive attitude.


4. Do school students in China like their teachers?

Nope, they don’t. Teachers are normally expected to act a substitute parents rather that friends. Plus, teachers often inflict corporal punishment as a form of school discipline to those students who disobey the rules.


5. Do you think there are any benefits from teachers being strict with students?

Um… no, I think, being too strict would cause detrimental effects on students. They may get discouraged by the criticism and have no passion or interest to continue their study. Consequently, they have no confidence to face the challenges of study and life in the future.


6. What qualities should a good teacher have?

Well, becoming a qualified teacher requires compassion, dedication, hard work and a lot of patience, especially when teaching in an elementary school. Teacher should have the ability to explain new concepts and frequently communicate and interact with parents, teachers and students.



Describe an English lesson that you have taken

You should say:

What the activity is

When and where you usually do it

how you do it

and explain why it can keep you fit


高分语段:Every Monday, we would take about twenty minutes of class, and everyone had to stand up and say what they did over the weekend. The mini-speeches didn’t have to be long or that involved; rather, it was just an opportunity to get everyone up and speaking English. What made the activity fun, though, was not really the assignment. Instead, it was the class that made it interesting. The first couple Mondays, the speeches weren’t any thing special. Most were pretty boring, and the class had more of a “let’s just get this done attitude instead of an “I like Ibis activity” attitude. The third Monday, however, this all changed. One of the students stood up and told an extremely creative story, using a lot of interesting phrases and some truly funny vocabulary’. After this, the class all sort of accepted this as the new norm, and every week became a contest to see who could tell the funniest, most creative story. As a result, going to class on Monday became something to really look forward to.


1)由于中外学校结构差异造成一定程度上的做题困难 国外大学结构及官衔

president(大学校长) University

dean(学校分院长) College/school

head of the faculty Faculty

head of the pision Division

chairman Department





register/enrole(登记、报到) 一般会student union office

opening ceremony(开学典礼)

orientation meeting(介绍会)指学校综合情况




basic course基础课 specialized course专业课

required course必修课 optional/selective course选修课

literature文学 philosophy哲学

history历史 art艺术

sociology社会学 linguistics语言学

psychology心理学 engineering工程学

architecture建筑学 business商务

law法学 economics经济学

fiancé金融学 accounting会计学

banking银行学 biochemistry生物化学


kindergarten幼儿园 elementary education初等教育

secondary education中等教育 higher education高等教育

adult education成人教育 open admission免试入学制

day-care center幼儿园(美) nursery school托儿所

primary/elementary school小学(英/美)

secondary school中学 coeducation男女生同校制度

junior high school初中 senior high school高中

attached middle school附中 technical school技校

polytechnic institute理工学院/科技大学 key school重点中学

graduate school研究生院 open university夜大、函大

private school私立学校 public school公立学校

universal education普及教育 educationist/educator教育家

postgraduate研究生 alumnus/alumna校友(男/女)

undergraduate本科 Alma Mater母校

auditor=guest student旁听生

boarder住宿生 open-book exam开卷考

pop test抽考 orientation program新生训练

teaching facilities教学设施 assistantship助学金

scholarship奖学金 room and board食宿

auditorium礼堂 vice-monitor副班长

period of schooling学习年限 credit system学分制

mark/score/grade分数 schedule=school timetable课程表

inpidual study自习inpidual coaching=tutorial个别指导

English evening英语晚会 after-school activities课外活动

social investigation社会调查 voluntary labor义务劳动

graduation appraisal毕业评估

graduation ceremony=commencement毕业典礼

diploma=graduation certificate毕业证书

drop out辍学 quit school退学

school discipline校纪 attendance/participation出勤率

attend a lecture上课 miss a class缺课

cut a class旷课 expel sb from school开除

tuition学费 miscellaneous expenses杂费

a grant-aided student领助学金的学生 lecture portfolio讲义夹

semester半学期 blue-book考卷

report card成绩单 final-examination期末考核

quiz小测验 oral test口试

diploma毕业证 degree学位

associate diploma专科证书 Bachelor学士

Master硕士 Doctor of Philosophy博士

Expert专家 consultant顾问

Coordinator班主任/协调人 professor教授

associate professor副教授 lecturer讲师

adviser/mentor导师 counselor辅导老师

course arrangement课程按排 application form申请表

school of Arts and Sciences文理学院




letter of recommendation表扬信

journal周记 office hour教授与学生面谈时间

catalogue(under titles/authors/subjects)目录

reference stacks书库

delivery desk/circulation desk借书台

call slip借书单(索书单)

check out登记并借出

charge out把...借出来

library card/admission card借书卡

date slip/deadline/date of expiry期限


overdue and pay a fine过期并交罚款





out on loan借出的


closed reserved只读不借

in circulation在书库里

out circulation借走了

not for circulation不外借



on the shelf在书架上



periodical(magazines and journals)定期刊物

current/back issues现今/以后发行


return in time及时归还

interlibrary service图书馆际服务

open/closed shelves开架/闭架书库




Father's Day

Third Sunday in June



The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on which fathers are honored by their children. On the third Sunday in June, fathers all across the United States are given presents, treated to dinner or otherwise made to feel special.


The origin of Father's Day is not clear. Some say that it began with a church service in West Virginia in 1908. Others say the first Father's Day ceremony was held in Vancouver, Washington.


The president of the Chicago branch of the Lions' Club, Harry Meek, is said to have celebrated the first Father's Day with his organization in 1915; and the day that they chose was the third Sunday in June, the closest date to Meek's own birthday!

Regardless of when the first true Father's Day occurred, the strongest promoter of the holiday was Mrs. Bruce John Dodd of Spokane, Washington. Mrs. Dodd felt that she had an outstanding father. He was a veteran of the Civil War. His wife had died young, and he had raised six children without their mother.


In 1909, Mrs. Dodd approached her own minister and others in Spokane about having a church service dedicated to fathers on June 5, her father's birthday. That date was too soon for her minister to prepare the service, so he spoke a few weeks later on June 19th. From then on, the state of Washington celebrated the third Sunday in June as Father's Day. Children made special desserts, or visited their fathers if they lived apart.


States and organizations began lobbying(游说)Congress to declare an annual Father's Day. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson approved of this idea, but it was not until 1924 when President Calvin Coolidge made it a national event to “establish more intimate relations between fathers and their children and to impress upon fathers the full measure of their obligations.” Since then, fathers had been honored and recognized by their families throughout the country on the third Sunday in June.


When children can't visit their fathers or take them out to dinner, they send a greeting card. Traditionally, fathers prefer greeting cards that are not too sentimental. Most greeting cards are whimsical(奇形怪状的,异想天开的)so fathers laugh when they open them. Some give heartfelt thanks for being there whenever the child needed Dad.

雅思口语题库part2话题范文之:Describe a good parent you know(好的父母)

Describe a good parent you know

You should say:

Who the parent is

How you know the parent

What the parent looks like

And explain why you think the parent is good




Parents are the most important people in any ones life and my parents are the most important for me. But, I think when it comes to talking of people I know and believe they are truly good parents, I think the names that comes to my mind is that of Will Smith and Jaden Smith.

These are the two most popular parents of the Hollywood industry and have raised some beautiful kids.

Sadly, I have never been able to meet them in real life but I have seen enough of their interviews with others and sometimes with their children, explaining how they raise their kids and the kind of values they imbibe in them. The reason I think they are great parents because they did taught their children things which I think everyone should teach their kids.

One of them is experiment. They have asked their kids to experiment with their passions and the other things that they love. In a particular interview, Jaden talks to her child and says that it is very important for you to love yourself because it is only when you love yourself that you can go about and fall in love with someone else and that is how the world falls in love with you.

In one interview, Will Smith talks of how for you to be able to create a wall it is very important for you to be able to put that one brick perfectly and that is how life is lived. I think these are some great lessons that are taught and the way they live, I believe they are truly great parents.

I believe to be a good parent requires you to be great inpiduals first. Because a child often learn more by what he or she sees than what he or she is told to do. Apart from that the one thing which I believe truly separates normal parents from the great parents, is the trust they have on their child and his or her potential. It surely takes lot of love and more important trust ones own upbringing to be able to trust the child completely.

I believe it is only when a child is trusted and told that he or she is trusted that the true nature of the child evolves.

雅思口语题库话题参考范文之:好的父母(a good parent you know)

You should say:

Who the parent is

How you know the parent

What the parent looks like

And explain why you think the parent is good.




Ok right then, well the parent I’d like to talk about is the mother of a good friend of mine, and the reason for choosing to talk about her is that my friend is always going on about how lucky he is to have such a nice mum. And from what I know about her, I’d say he’s absolutely right!

Anyway, as for how I know her, well it’s basically due to the fact that I went to the same middle school as her son. And because we became pretty good friends, we ended up seeing quite a lot of each other’s parents, especially during the holidays when we often went over to each other’s homes.

And regarding what his mother looks like, well interestingly enough, she actually looks pretty similar to my own mother, because they both have quite round faces and long wavy hair. Having said that though, I’ve noticed that my friend’s mother often ties her hair up in a bun, whereas my mother usually always keeps it down. And another thing to mention would be that whenever I see her, she always seems to be wearing red clothes of some sort, which I guess is probably because red suits her quite well.

But anyway, finally then, with regard to why I think she’s a good parent, well I’d say there are quite a few reasons, one of which would be that she’s always been very supportive to her son. And just to give you an example, when he was deciding what major to study at university, he ended up choosing music. And his mother gave him her full support, which is probably not what many other parents would have done, as music doesn’t really leave open a lot of career choices, if you know what I mean!

And I think it’s fair to say that nowadays, a lot of parents persuade their children to do things which they think are best for them, but my friend has said that his parents have never been like this with him, especially his mother. So I kind of get the impression that she’s never forced him to do anything against his will, and has always let him make his own decisions, which I think’s really great.

That’s about it then. Thanks for listening.


地道用词:ties her hair up in a bun

高分句型:And his mother gave him her full support, which is probably not what many other parents would have done, as music doesn’t really leave open a lot of career choices, if you know what I mean!

Having said that though, I’ve noticed that my friend’s mother often ties her hair up in a bun, whereas my mother usually always keeps it down. And another thing to mention would be that whenever I see her, she always seems to be wearing red clothes of some sort, which I guess is probably because red suits her quite well.

I think it’s fair to say that nowadays, a lot of parents persuade their children to do things which they think are best for them, but my friend has said that his parents have never been like this with him, especially his mother.

So I kind of get the impression that she’s never forced him to do anything against his will, and has always let him make his own decisions, which I think’s really great.

my friend is always going on about = my friend is always saying......

interestingly enough = 说起来有趣,......

he ended up choosing music = 他最后选了音乐

finally then = 最后呢,......

I think it’s fair to say that = I think it's true to say that......我觉得可以说......

So I kind of get the impression that = I get the feeling that......我有点感觉到......

雅思口语话题库part2参考范文之:好的父母(Describe a good parent you know)

Describe a good parent you know

You should say:

Who the parent is

How you know the parent

What the parent looks like

And explain why you think the parent is good.





We all love our parents and believe that parents do play a very important role in everyone’s life. But the one parents, or for that matter, the one mother that I truly adore is the mother of great scientist Thomas Alva Edison. I don’t know much about her because of the reason that there is so less said about her but the one incidence that is talked about gives a lasting impression of the kind of lady she was.

It is said that once Thomas came back home with a note saying that he cannot read or write anymore and his mother read it and told that he is brilliant and can achieve whatever he thinks he can. Instead of losing faith on his child because of what the school said, her mother believed his child. She taught him and I think it was only because of her that the world had one of the greatest scientist of the century, Thomas Alva Edison.

There are parents who love their child, ones who teach their child but someone who could trust their child even when the world went against them, it requires lot of love, perseverance and trust.

I believe to be a good parent requires you to be great inpiduals first. Because a child often learn more by what he or she sees than what he or she is told to do. Apart from that the one thing which I believe truly separates normal parents from the great parents, is the trust they have on their child and his or her potential. It surely takes lot of love and more important trust ones own upbringing to be able to trust the child completely.

I believe it is only when a child is trusted and told that he or she is trusted that the true nature of the child evolves.



Describe a small successful company.

What the company is?

What did they do?

Why it is successful?


又是一道巨难的题目,估计很多同学倒在what the company is上了。同时也印证了小站老师对雅思口语考试的分析,单纯的语言能力已经不能保证高分。做一个不闻不问安安静静的语言爱好者,沉浸在听说读写的集中训练上,是雅思的出题者越来越打压的一类人群了。他们需要的是对这个世界保持热度,对这个世界有自我认知的语言爱好者。也就是说,雅思口语既要考察tools(语言工具),也好考察contents(知识与思维)。

所以,平素对这个外部世界的各个方面,最好都要有一个基本的熟悉度,排除掉政治军事等敏感类题材,其他方面,如经济,文化,教育,民生等等方面,都是雅思口语和写作考试的可能出题点。Try to keep abreast with the world and times.(与世界,与时代保持同步)(基本就类似应试教育向素质教育的转变了。。。)


此话题真心不好说,这种商业上的话题,一向是国人的弱项,光想想语言上的那些专业词汇都头大,更别提这么苛刻的限定条件(small and successful)下的实物描述了。现在以中文问答类网站“知乎”为例。

Well, it’s quite an unfamiliar topic for me to cover, and after some serious brains-raking, thankfully I do find a company that falls right into the category of small and successful. It’s called zhihu in China.

It is initially launched as a Q&A website in Jan.. Its idea comes out from Quora, so you can see it as the Chinese quora. There is now a registered membership of 50million for the website and the team that makes this happen is made up by less than 100 twenty-something, based in Beijing. Zhuhu provides a playground where you can have various discussions in a positive and productive environment. The ground rules are set up to protect people, so there won't be too many attacks. And the cultivated community can help steer the overall community attitude towards building a more positive, more intellectual, and more supportive community. What Zhihu is trying to build is a peer-to-peer network of knowledge, expertise and insight. When one on the network contributes one bit, the rest on the network will get one gig.

Even though it is sort of a copycat, in China , there is none website like it. Zhihu plays an important role in current Chinese society. for It opens a door for many non English-speaking Chinese people to know a bigger world. Many well-informed and well-traveled people share their insights there, so every day you can pick up something eye-opening if you invest enough time. Also it is relatively quite an open platform for people to express freely. Kind, sincere and serious converSATion is the norm. People share, learn and make friends there.

So basically, the knowledge is a beauty and the free expression is a rarity. When Zhihu combines the two, it is undoubtedly a success.



背景+描述(background and description)背景介绍何时launch,何种规模,多大的团队;它的主体功能描述

分析+评判(analysis and judgment)

Its importance lie in its uniqueness

升华与重申(elevation and reiteration)

A combination of knowledge and communication, that is the key to success.


Startup 创业型企业

E-learning 电子化学习e-commerce 网络贸易

Founding team 主创团队 startup team 创业团队

Monetization scheme 模式

Rare commodity 稀缺商品

Visionary 战略家

Pitch one’s ideas兜售

On the very early stage 在最初阶段

Product management 产品运营

Sales pipeline销售渠道

Technical skills专业技能

Front-end and back-end 前后端

Landing page登陆页

Pricing 定价

Mockup (产品的)原型

Brainwashing 头脑风暴

Portal 门户网站

A mass of user 用户量

Outer ring/inner ring 外环/内环

Business model 商业模式

Ensure quality 保证质量

Consumer adoption顾客数量

In-person relationship building 面对面的建立关系

Have hills to climb 有许多困难要克服

(完美的创业团队)The perfect startup needs a complementary team:

It needs a passionate and driven visionary who is the product person.

It needs a capable execution skill that can deliver the product or service against that vision.

It needs people skill to make sure that the best people are recruited and retained, and so that conflict in the company is resolved.

It needs administrative skill to make sure that as the company grows the wheels stay on (this skill can come a bit later – it’s not needed on day 1)

(最好的创业想法)competition is stupid. Why compete if you can figure out a new way to help others in a way no one else has done before?

The best startup ideas are unique or rare, solve a problem the founder himself or herself has, solve a problem the founder is monomaniacally obsessed about solving and present a big market opportunity in a market with vulnerable competitors.

(给创业者的建议)Learn public speaking. If there is one skill that is universal, and critical to every situation, it's the ability to communicate effectively verbally. It is the one skill that I have found is common to all the great entrepreneurs I have ever met - and is also a skill that is very under-developed in most adults.

雅思口语part2高频语料汇总—a successful company

今天雅思小编为大家分享一个part2部分常考的口语题目,题目是:Describe a small and successful company you know.

You should say:

What is the company called;

How did you know this company;

What kind of business this company does;

and explain why you think this company is successful

此题回答起来确实有一定难度,不妨讲讲和生活相关的内容,淘宝店、创业故事、工作室都是很好的选择。此外要了解的是,雅思口语PART 2 一定要讲够两分钟,不能很敷衍的答完前两题后再不停重复前面的内容。而是要将每个问题都独立作答,要讲得有深度,才更能得到考官的认可

Successful company


对于part2 的话题,大家习惯性的答题方法是两句话总结cue card的上的问题,然后将问题的答案进行一次又一次的重复,这样的答案会给考官非常“水”的感觉,因为每个问题其实都没有得到深度的解答,因此,建议同学们将四个问题认真分析,把两分钟的演讲按照提示问题分成四个三十秒钟的回答,这样的答案结构清晰,易于考官理解,并且每个问题因为有三十秒的限制,都能够得到较为详尽的解释,给考官信息量丰富的感觉











When it comes to this topic, I would talk about a photography studio which has a weird name called Papapu, it’s also the name of the owner’s dog and he thinks that it’s pretty catchy and easy to remember.

I know this place because the owner of the studio, Jack, is my high school classmate and I would say that he is a very talented and passionate photographer, he showed great interest in taking photos since high school, he always had his camera with him when there was a big event like our graduation party, he took an awesome photo of me in a pretty dress and I still have it.

His studio mainly takes wedding photos for couples, wedding photos are kind of a big deal for the young people in China. They would spend a fortune on a set of creative and fashionable photos to be the reminder of their sweet love.

I think this company is successful because Jack is a wonderful photographer who always tries to push his own limit and take the best photos. Before he starts to work, he would always talk to the couple and get to know them a bit more so that he can capture the most unique side of them. I’m pretty sure that he would be my photographer the day when I get married.


Describe a big company/organisation

? What it is

? How you knew about it

? What this company does

? How you feel about it


Well, I wanna talk about The New Oriental School, which is one of the biggest private educationalcompanies in China. I’ve been learning English there for 7 years, and my mom took me thereas she said that it is the best place to learn English in our city.Thiscompany provides extra lessons for almost every subject, you know, in China,every kid has totakeextra lessons, to make sure they do good in major exams. New Oriental School is well-known for its English teaching quality. You know, for their employees, the company provides them chancesto travel abroad, as well as giving them opportunities to further their studies. For the students, the company would always holdvarious parties such as Xmas parties and Halloween parties. Actually I attendedthe Halloween party they held last year, we all dressed up to the party and we also got a small present from them and it wasso fun! Although I’ve always wanted to become a teacher, traditional schools’teachers need to stay in school from 9-5, which if I was teaching in NewOriental School, my time is more flexible, and they have the best working condition in my city, therefore, I definitely wanna go there after I graduate.

Major exams 重要的考试

Teaching quality 教学质量

Further sb’s study 进修

Dress up 打扮

Working condition 工作条件/环境


Well, I wanna talk about TheNew Oriental School, which is one of the biggest privateeducational companies in China. I’ve been learning English there for7 years, and my mom took me there as she said that it is the best place tolearn English in our city.NewOriental School enjoys a domestic reputation for itsEnglish teaching quality. I’ve beenadmiring their CEO Yu minhong since I was little. You know, His leadershipand creativity is agreat motivationforme. What’s more, I heard that theemployeebenefit in XDF is brilliant. The company regularlyprovides chances for their employees totravel abroad, as well as giving them opportunities to further their studies. Onthe one hand, this could really help their employees to broadentheir views, on the other hand, this is a great wayto retain valuable talent for thecompany. Although I’ve always wanted to become a teacher, traditionalschools’ teachers need to stay in school from 9-5, which if I was teaching inNew Oriental School, my time is more flexible, and they have the best workingcondition in my city, therefore, I definitely wanna go there after Igraduate.

…enjoys a domestic reputation ...在国内享有盛誉 (如果是在全球享有盛誉可以说 …enjoys a world-widereputation)

Teachingquality 教学质量




Employeebenefit 员工福利

Furthersb’s studies 进修

Broadensb’s views 开拓某人的视野

Retainvaluable talent 留住有价值的人才

Workingcondition 工作环境/条件





one of the largest metropolitan area in Europe

situated on the Seine River

largest city in the world



a prosperous trading centre

centre stage for the French Revolution

an important centre of finance, commerce,fashion, science, and the arts

Top 4 cities

Tokyo/ New York/ London




millions of tourists

historic interests

UNESCO World Heritage site



Tourist attraction

La Tour Eiffel

Palace of Versailles

Jardin du Luxembourg

Café en Seine

Le Louvre Museum

Mona Lisa

Lafayette plaza


1. Do you like traveling?

Yes, I like traveling. Firstly, I believe that traveling is always educational. What I mean to say is that the people that you meet along the way are usually interesting. Secondly, I wish I were able to travel more. For example, I have not traveled to a foreign country yet.

2. How do you usually travel?

In China I like to travel by train. Allow me to explain. Firstly, when I travel by train I am able to see more of China. In addition, the trains in China are convenient and comfortable. For example, I can travel to any city, and I am able to sleep on the train. Lastly, traveling on a train is a social event as well. For example, one can chat with other passengers about where they are going, and why they are traveling.

3. Where have you traveled to lately?

I traveled to Dalian last month. My parents and I traveled there by train. We went to see my grandmother who has been ill lately. I enjoyed the trip as I have not been to Dalian before. Moreover, the city has left me a deep impression for its fresh air and clean environment.

4. What kind of places do you like to visit?

I like to visit places where there is a lot of entertainment. For example, I don’t like it when we go and visit my grandparents in the countryside. They live on a farm and don’t even have a computer for me to play on. I hope the places I go to have coffee shops and theaters at least.


1、西方人(主要指有一定修养的欧美人)在与他人交流时,比较多地使用情态动词:can、could、may、might、would等等;情态动词(Model Verbs)又称为情态助动词(Model Auxil-iaries),表示说话人的语气,可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等,使得说话的语气比较有礼貌;

2、往往在句尾加please,而不是在句首加please。当please用在句首的时候,语气听起来就比较强,听起来像命令。比如请求别人做某事的时候,我们中国人会说“请在周一前给我回复。谢谢。”但是如果你直接用英语说“Please reply to me by Monday. Thank you.”听者会觉得你是在命令他,一点礼貌也没有。而如果这样说:“Could you please reply to me by Monday? Thank you.”就显得有礼貌了;其实雅思口语词汇是非常重要的,大家一定不能只关注雅思口语考试真题。

3、比较多地使用虚拟语气,比如would (had) rather、would (had) sooner、would (just) as soon等等,或者在陈述句中使用过去式表示虚拟语气,或者使用if等引导的从句表示“可能性”。这样说话可以使人感觉表达者是在考虑达到最佳的结果或方式,尽量避免不好的结果或方式,或者推测可能出现的问题,并找出可能解决的办法;

5、说话要以他人为中心,以肯定他人、赞同他人为前提,让自己显得谦卑、渺小。说完之后,还要附带一句“Thank you”或“Thanks”。其实,这种礼貌的表达方式是来自古老的中国。这是东西方文化的共同点,也是为人处世的基本原则。了解英语中礼貌的表达方式,尽量让自己的英语表达更有礼貌,融入社会;











Good morning. Good afternoon. I’m very well. Thank you. Pleased to meet you. I beg your pardon. What exactly would you like to know? Perhaps I can begin by telling you about… Recently, I’ve been studying at … Recently, I’ve been working at … I’ve been studying English for (1 year)... The reason I’m taking the test is because … Would you like to know about …? Before that I studied at … Before that I worded at … At the moment I’m studying at … At the moment I’m working at … Have I answered your question? Is there anything else you wish to know?

以上句型虽然简单,但一定要滚瓜烂熟。考官一问,你马上能不假思索地脱口而出。有些考生有这样的经验:明明平时运用娴熟的句型,等到考试时由于紧张,一下就忘了,把最简单的“I am from Guangzhou.”说成“I am come from Guangzhou。”

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★ 雅思口语题目及(part3)

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★ 提高雅思口语方法

★ 如何攻克雅思口语考试呢

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