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What is the book about?

The goal of the book is to enable engineering and science students to understand the environmental issues of interdisciplinary research: their causes, why they are concerned, and how we control them. This book includes:

What does it mean to describe the environment and the environment

Information on the underlying causes of environmental destruction

Understand the nature of environmental problems and the basic scientific knowledge that can be quantified

Current use of environmental control technologies in water, air and pollution

There is a considerable gap in many scientific knowledge about understanding and controlling the complex interactions between human activities and nature

Many environmental problems can use current technology to eliminate or reduce, but because lack of willingness to do so or in many cases because of the lack of resources to do so, these environmental problems are not processing

Some important definitions:

In this book, they are used for the first time, and definitions are displayed in either capital or black

The environment is the habitat of material life around us, and here we can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste

System according to Webster's dictionary, is defined as “a group or series of can form a unit or organic whole interrelated things”, for example, the solar system, irrigation system, supply system, the world and the universe.

Pollution is defined as “in the atmosphere, water or land in the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of undesirable change, this change harmful to affect the health of humans or other organisms, survival, or activities”.

When the goal of improving environmental quality is used to improve human welfare, the word “environment” expands to include all social, economic and cultural content. This expansion is unfeasible in many real situations and is impractical in a textbook designed for a semester course. Our investigation of environmental problems is therefore limited to our definition of “environment”.

The interaction of the system

Many different environmental problems are linked to water, air or land systems. Many of these problems apply only to one of these systems, providing sufficient justification for the breakdown of these categories. Such classification is also more useful and easy to understand the related problems in a system. Moreover, it is wise to do so, this is because as a result of the management and administrative reasons, these related to air pollution, water supply, wastewater treatment and solid waste treatment subdomains are usually handled by government agencies, respectively.

Unfortunately, many important environmental problems are not limited to air, water or land systems, but also intersystem interactions. For example, the acid rain problem arises from the sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emitted from power plant chimneys, smelters and car exhausts. Then the gas is transported by air to the vast area, and the rain “washes them away”, producing acid rain that is harmful to aquatic life, forests and crops. Two environmental problems related to interaction between systems: the increasing global problem of carbon dioxide in the air, and the problem of endemic acid rain.

Environmental problems

Many of the major improvements to our standard of living can be attributed to the use of science and technology. Here are some examples. Can you come up with other examples?

Produce more and better quality food

Creating protection and living space to avoid extreme environments

Rapid and reliable transport methods

The invention of various communication systems

The invention of machines for human and animal physical strength

Safe water supply and waste disposal

The elimination of many infectious diseases

The elimination of most water-borne diseases by using improved water technology in developed countries

Provide opportunities for cultural and recreational activities through the effectiveness of better productivity (brought by) leisure time.

Avoid the worst effects of natural disasters such as floods, droughts, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

However, these improvements have resulted in adverse adverse effects, such as loss of arable land, lost forests, environmental pollution and new organisms that are resistant to control. Many of the little things that were initially thought to be harmful are now considered to be a potential threat to nature and humans. In agricultural society, people basically live in harmony with nature, grow food, collect wood, and make clothes and tools that come from the land. Waste from animals and humans has been returned to earth as fertilizer. There are few problems with water, land or air pollution.

Ancient cities, especially cities like the Roman empire, had systems for water supply and disposal of waste. Ancient Roman cities (approximately one million people) were supplied by the ditches in the ancient Roman drains. This is one of the most famous and early examples of sewers built in these systems. Urban technology in ancient cities seemed to have been forgotten for centuries by europeans who built cities. Water supply and waste treatment are neglected, resulting in many outbreaks of diarrhea, cholera, typhoid and other water-borne diseases. Until the middle of the 19th century, people realize the carrying pathogenic organism pollution wastewater error handling, since the 19th century in Britain, Europe and North America since the industrial revolution, grows increasingly fuelled by urbanization and industrialization of the environment. Both urbanization and industrialization were the basic causes of water and air pollution that could not be processed at that time.

In the following decades, the rapid development of water quality and some wastewater treatment technologies in developed countries resulted in a sharp reduction in water pollution incidents. Note that all wastes are discharged into the environment, thereby contaminating our water, air and land systems.







目前运用在水, 空气, 污染问题的环境控制技术的状况





环境是围绕在我们周围的物质生命的栖息地,在这儿我们能看到, 听到, 触摸, 闻到, 和品尝到

系统依据韦氏字典, 被定义为“一组或一系列能形成一个整体或者有机整体的相互关联的事物”,例如,太阳系统,灌溉系统,供应系统,世界和宇宙。



















古代城市,特别是像罗马帝国的城市,有供水和处置废物的系统。古罗马的大排泄沟中的沟渠供应古代罗马城市(大约有1百万人)安全水,这是最有名及在这些系统中最早建造的下水道的例子之一。古代城市的城市技术似乎已经被那些建造城市的欧洲人遗忘了很多个世纪。水供应和废物处理被忽略,导致了很多痢疾,霍乱,伤寒和其它水传染疾病的爆发。直到19世纪中期,(人们)才认识到对 携带着致病生物的 污染废水的错误处理,自从19世纪发生于英国、欧洲和北美的工业革命以来,日益俱增的城市化和工业化加剧了环境问题。城市化及工业化这两个现象,都是当时不能处理的水及空气污染的基本原因。





作 者:耿智 郭九林 GENG Zhi GUO Jiu-lin  作者单位:大连民族学院外国语言文化学院,辽宁,大连,116600 刊 名:上海翻译  PKU英文刊名:SHANGHAI JOURNAL OF TRANSLATORS 年,卷(期): “”(2) 分类号:H059 关键词: 



Environmental  problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. With the  development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off  poisonous gas. Trees on the hills have been cut down, and waste water is being  poured continuously in to rivers. Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find  rubbish carelessly disposed. The whole ecological balance of the earth is  changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects  and even poses a great threat to man's existence.

We  must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental  problems. For instance, new laws must be passed to place strict control over  industrial pollution, the public must receive the education about the hazard of  pollution and soon. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring  back a healthful environment.





The  earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the  developed and complicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the  damage artificially. Also people has been spoiling the health since the immense  quantity of chemicals have been produced and already used in pursuit of  convenience and various toxic substances have been produced unintentionally and  accumulated in environment. Therefore, We need some countermeasures from the  viewpoint to prevent the city environment form disaster and to manage  environmental risks.





We  know that every aspect of life there are carbon reduction factor, save water,  electricity, gas, can reduce the use of coal is not only a good tradition, but  also the embodiment of the environmental protection consciousness, we must start  from the little things that make life more green, let the earth more harmonious.  The year of the tiger lunar New Year, I began to low-carbon life of its own.

Global  warming in the Antarctic glaciers melt faster, sea level will rise rapidly, life  on earth will have one's head above water. I told grandpa, this is too much  carbon emissions. When the Spring Festival, we do not have as they often buy a  lot of fireworks, fireworks set off once the only in the New Year's eve, can  rise to exult beaming atmosphere is ok, otherwise the carbon dioxide is really  too much, families, cumulative emissions are impressive. I appeal through the  Internet, the farmers don't in the wheat straw burning, after the autumn harvest  of freshwater and sell special corporations to finish molding fuel, can not only  generate economic benefits, can save the environmental protection, protect the  earth.

Father  learned to drive, take photos after going to buy private cars, we have to figure  out, don't only pursue cheap to buy carbon excessive amounts of lead emissions  vehicles. I looked at the data, the present automobile exhaust emissions must  meet European Ⅳ standards, and to a certain period must check last year, up to  the standard. Can not use car, can use the bicycle, storage battery car instead  of walking.

Plants  can absorb a lot of carbon dioxide released a lot of oxygen, can also the flood  control and disaster mitigation. Called on everyone to plant trees, save paper,  not deforestation.

Every  family like us to make a practical action, low carbon life will be good.

保护环境的英语作文翻译  我们知道生活的方方面面都存在着减碳的因素,节约用水、用电、用气,可以减少煤炭的使用不仅是优良传统,更是环保意识的体现,我们一定从点滴的小事做起,让生活更加绿色,让地球更加和谐。虎年春节,我开始了自己的低碳生活。






Although  the world develops much faster and better, the resources on the earth get fewer  and fewer. In order to protect them,something must be done.


Save  water. Water is the source of life. No water, no life. So it's very important  for us to do so.Not only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it,  but also make full use of it.


Save  electricity. It is crucial. We can't imagine what the life will be like without  it. Everyone should do his best to save electricity. Don't forget to turn off  lights or other electric machines when we finish working.


Save  forests. They are useful .Please stop cutting them down and use recycled paper  instead. Make our world a green one to live in.

拯救森林。他们是有用的。请停止切割下来,用再生纸代替。使我们的世界成为一个绿色的生活。  Recycle useful rubbish. Plenty of rubbish can be recycled like cans,paper,  bottles, and so on. We can save resources in this way.



Today,  there are many problems in our life, the biggest of which is pollution.Everyone  wants to have a healthy environment.so, what should we do?

My  ideas is to reduce pollution and save energy.For example, we can go to work or  school on foot,by bike or by bus instead of driving a car. Also,before we leave  our houses,we should check whether the lights are turned off. We also should  make good use of things and repair them first instead of throwing them away and  buying new ones.we should always save energy and resouses.If we can use products  made from recycle materials,such as recycle paper,we can help save  trees.

To  protect our environment we must act from now and each details, and I believe we  can do this.

今天,有许多问题在我们的生活,中,其中是污染。大家我们想要应该有什么健康我的想法是减少污染和节省能量。例如,我们可以去工作或教育徒步,乘自行车或乘公共汽车而不是驾驶汽车。  并且,在我们离开我们的房子之前,我们应该证实光是否被关闭。  我们应该也做好用法事并且首先修理他们而不是丢掉他们,并且买的新的.我们应该总除能量和resouses之外。如果我们可以使用产品做从回收除树之外,材料,例如回收纸,我们可能帮助




With  the improvement of our living standard, more and more people can afford a car。  As a result, our roads are more often than not crammed with cars。 However, with  more and more waste gas being discharged by the cars,  the problem of air  pollution bees even more serious。 So nowadays we advocate to lead a low-carbon  life。

My  suggestion is we should ride bikes more often instead of driving cars。By riding  a bike, we can not only exercise our body but also protect our environment。 Why  not have a try, my dear friends?




There  are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the  most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the  polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes  diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the  rapid growth of modern cities.

To  protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot.  Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the  forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore,  governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection  today.

In  my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete  measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of  environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be  made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people  means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the  environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know  that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.






With  the rapid development of science and technology, human demand for resources is  increasing, causing the Antarctic arctic ice melting speed, rising sea levels,  the Antarctic ozone hole, increasing dust storms in Beijing, haze weather, the  Japanese earthquake nuclear pollution...

When  we enjoy the good life at the same time, the thought of the importance of  protecting the environment?

So,  please keep an eye on our campus, look! The playground, school gate, stair aisle  flying confetti, food bag, bottles; Look, those teeth bared on the white wall  graffiti... These are not harmonious scene and our campus civilization!

The  classmates, if we all take action, to be the master of environmental protection,  do not throw confetti, peel, graffito of the scribble not, casually picked up  confetti trash on the ground, take good care of the environment, our campus is  dressed up beautifully and. When we walk on the tree-lined campus path, will  feel relaxed and happy; When we study in bright classroom, will concentrate;  When we study in the clean and elegant environment, will feel better.

Beautiful  environment, let us know how to cherish, learn to cherish; Beautiful  environment, let us knowledgeable and more civilized; Beautiful environment, let  us learn to obey, learn to be a person; Beautiful environment, let our moral,  make our learning more progress!








In  the last several decades, our earth has been extremely polluted, such as air  pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and so on.

In  recent years, the extreme weather becomes more and more frequent. Winter gets  colder and summer becomes hotter and it rains more frequently. All of these warn  us that protecting the environment is a serious and emergent event. As our  general people, we should build proper lifestyle. We should pay attention to  water and light saving. When we go out, we should firstly choose the public  transportation.

he  most important is that we must realize that we can do a lot of things to protect  our environment. It's our duty to make our home better. Let’s change from  ourselves.






Environment  is all the attention to the topic, also is a hot spot of all people. Good  environment, good for our healthy growth, feel better, both study and life  comfortable, everyone wants to live in a good environment. Therefore, to protect  the environment, everyone duty.

When  you are passing the trash can, you can pick up the cola bottles beside? When you  see someone scribble carving in the tree, you will not to stop at the meeting?  When you are in the stalls to eat small, can you come up with their own spare  chopsticks instead of disposable chopsticks?

Now,  a lot of people cut down a tree in the forest, the trees to make chopsticks,  chairs, tables, etc., can cause soil erosion, flood will often and bring us  unfortunately. We should act to prevent them.

In  the supermarket, we can see a lot of people still use money to buy a pocket,  although a pocket as long as 2 cents, but to protect the environment is every  citizen's responsibility and obligation. Even if the pockets don't money, we  should also have the mindset of environmental protection, environmental  protection bag.

On  my way to school, we saw someone throw rubbish on the road, disorderly spit  phlegm, we should teach him methods: spitting in the tissue, then throw in the  trash. We can't learn the somebody else, be sure to write “environmental  protection” moment in their heart, and reflect in action, starts from me, starts  from the minor matter.

I  believe that through the efforts of everyone, the environment will become better  and better, “mother” will become more beautiful earth.

保护环境的英语作文翻译  环境是目前所有人关注的话题,也是所有人关注的一个热点。好的环境,有利于我们健康成长、心情舒畅,无论学习和生活都特别舒服,所有人都希望生活在一个好的环境下。因此,保护环境,人人有责。







Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hil ls have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.




It is undeniable that the worsening environment has become the biggest concern of the present-day world. Land resources are dwindling because of water loss and soil erosion. Waste gases poison the air we breathe. The rivers and lakes are polluted by waste dumped in them from factories. It is probably no exaggeration to say that deterioration of the quality of the environment threatens the existence of mankind itself.Some people are of the opinion that the environmental problem is the price we have to pay for economic development. But I do not think that this argument is valid. After all, what is the point of economic growth if people‘s lives are adversely alfected by worsening environmental pollution?

There is plenty of evidence to show that sustainable development can be achieved by balancing economic growth with protection of the environment. The key to achieving this is to make people aware of the seriousness of the problem. Both governments and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.







Spring is coming, the large red flowers, like in the game who the most beautiful colors and beautiful; the grass has grown out of the trees are green and tender; not so long, tall and strong. Birds are singing in the trees, in the flowers bees in bustling about, for people to make sweet honey.


Who here sigh? The birds, it is for the human sigh. Because the forest of trees to be cut down. If the tree was cut down in the forest, the animal has no home. If the wind to help without trees, houses collapsed. If the trees were cut down, people can not hear the birds chirping, the world is only a human talking.


Let us care for the environment.



There are two main causes for cancer: heredity and environment. We can do nothing to change our heredity, that is, the basic physical characteristics that arepassed on to us by our parents. However, we can do a great deal to control our environment, which may account for eighty to ninety percent of all cancers.

Enviromnental pollution can be pided into two kinds: personal and impersonal. Personal pollution may be defined roughly as unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking, and eating the wrong foods. Clearly, with enough will power we can control this personal environment.

Impersonal pollution, on the other hand, refers to those things which are beyond our inpidual control. One example would be indus trial pollution, which is very hard to control because of the expenses that are needed. The American automobile industry, for example, resisted the law requiring smog-control devices because il feared the added expense would reduce profits. Nevertheless, some laws protecting the environment have been quite successful in reducing pollution.


Horse the teacher said: “the school is our home, environment is good or not is up to you, me, his family, how to protect it? A, don't litter. If you see the initiative to pick up the garbage, thrown into the trash, who throw if found, I will let him pick it up, if he does not pick up, I will criticize him, because I am a qualified environmental small guards. Pick up the garbage has a benefit, is when picking up litter bending action, can exercise the body, can also clean the campus. I want to get into the good habit. Second, take good care of flowers and plants. There are many green trees and flowers on campus, we each class has its own little garden, which makes our campus beautiful, we should protect them, rather than just on and pick, they are alive.

If the environment is good, our body will become more health, learning mood will be better, let us to have a good learning environment and do an own strength. ”"



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