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天津高考英语作文范文:Why Do Girls Crush On Da Shu? 篇一

When we go down the street, if we take a notice on the couples, we may find that besides those young girls, there are not only young boys, but also Da Shu. Da Shu means these men who are in middle ages,today, many young girls crush on Da Shu, their love for Da Shu have many reasons.

当我们走在街上的时候,如果仔细观察情侣,可以发现在年轻女孩身边的除了年轻的男孩子外,还有大叔。大叔是处于中年的男子,今天,很多年轻的女孩喜欢大叔,她们对大叔的爱是有很多原因的。On the one hand, Da Shu have stable job which brings girls security. Da Shu have fought for their future for a certain time, so they have earn some reputation and own good income, they can afford almost what the girls want, satisfying the girls in materials. Comparing with the young boys who are struggling for the living and make ends meet, young girls prefer to choose Da Shu.

一方面,大叔有稳定的工作,能够给女孩子带来安全感。大叔已经为他们的将来奋斗了一段时间,因此他们有一定的名声,也有很好的收入,他们可以基本上给予女孩子想要的,在物质方面满足女孩。和那些正在为他们的生计和收入平衡的年轻男孩子来说,年轻女孩倾向于选择大叔。On the other hand, Da Shu have mature mind, their broad vision is such a great charm that attracts the young girls. As Da Shu are not young anymore, they have gone through many difficulties and their life experience are so rich. Young girls haven’t experienced these before, they are so curious about what the Da Shu experienced, like reading an interesting book.

另一方面,大叔有成熟的思想,他们开阔的视野使得他们很有魅力,吸引着年轻的女孩。大叔本身不再年轻,他们经历了很多困难,生活阅历很丰富。年轻女孩从来没有经历过这些,她们对大叔的经历很好奇,就像看一本有趣的书。Young girls’ affection for Da Shu shows that they are eager to be mature and explore the world, while they should grow up by themselves, instead of putting their emotion on the older men.


天津高考英语作文素材3:The behavior of the pig 篇二

When I was very small, I happened to see the show British’s Got Talented. The small girl caught my attention, she sang so well and her story moved everyone. The girl became famous since then, though she got the second place. Many years has passed, the girl’s wonderful vioce was believed to worth million dollars.


The million dollars voice was people’s praise to this sweet girl. The girl’s name is Connie Talbot. She took part in the show because she wanted to sing for her sick grandma. People heard her strong feelings and remembered this lovely girl. Connie’s wonderful voice conquered people and though she did not win the game, they knew her.


Now Connie is almost 15 years old, she lives the life just like every normal girl who goes to school and keeps study. But Connie never gives up singing, she bought the instruments and plays music when she is free. She also makes her concerts. Her voice is so amazing.


Connie is born with the singing talent, but she hasn’t bothered by the public. She has a happy family and lives the happy life.


3月天津高考英语作文 篇三

中国自古有“学而知之”的说法,这里的“学”,通常被理解为从师学习。韩愈就说过:“人非生而知之者,孰能无惑?惑而不从师,其为惑也,终不解矣。”随着时代的发展,我们获取知识、掌握技能或懂得道理的途径日趋多元。请结合你的心得和体验,在“ 而知之”中的横线处填入一字,构成题目,写一篇文章。







天津高考英语作文 篇四

As the Asian Game is going on, we can see so many exciting games these days, there are so many champions coming out every day, we are happy for them, because they are working so hard and they deserve it. But still some champions are checked out to take the drugs, they get the championship with the help of the drugs, it is so shameful of them, they are not the real champions.


To be a champion is not easy, the athletes must be working hard for a long time, most of them spend day and night to get trained, they have to leave their parents for a long time, they can see their parents when the festival comes. To be the champion is such a great honor, the one who gets the championship without the fair competition should be condemned, he does not respect his rivals, it is so shame on him.


Taking the drugs is not the right act, it is unfair to those real working hard rivals, every athlete should take the right attitude about the match. The one who loses in a fair way also deserves people’s respect.


天津高考英语作文怎么写 篇五

Something Personal

People sure change! My best friend, Mary has changed a lot in the last few years.

She used to be fat but now she is thin. She used to have short hair but now she grows it long. She used to be really quiet but now she is outgoing. She used to spend a lot of time playing computer games, but now she has to study all day. She used to do morning exercises and some other activities every day, but now she is used to studying all the time and spend little time on her hobbies. In the evening, she used to watch TV with her family, but now she must go to bed early, because she has to get up early in the morning to read the text books.

Time goes by, it’s amazing how she’s changed and she is never a child.

天津高考英语作文范文:Bloggers Edit Their Real Life 篇六

Blog is very popular in China, it is a communication tool for people to record their life. Especially for the celebrities, they record their daily life, attracting their fans to pay attention to their blogs all the time. Blog provides a stage for people to write down their mood and the colorful life.

博客在中国很流行,那是一种让人们在网上记录他们生活的交流工具。特别是对于名人来说,他们记录日常生活,吸引他们的粉丝随时关注他们的博客。博客给人们提供了一个记录他们心情和多姿多彩生活的平台。Whenever you refresh your mini blog, it is quite often that you are dazzled by the new images, someone release their new pictures of the new hairstyle, the new clothes and so on. People like to use blog to record their lifestyle, showing their happiness to others. Glorifying oneself is a natural human instinct, people exaggerate their happiness or strength in the blog, they want to tell people how good they are and let people envy them.

无论你什么时候更新你的迷你博客,你会发现经常被新图片弄得眼花缭乱,一些人发布了他们的新发型或者新衣服的图片等等。人们喜欢使用博客去记录他们的生活方式,向别人展示他们的幸福。炫耀自己是人的天性,人们在微博上夸大他们的幸福或者长处,他们想要告诉人们他们很好,让别人羡慕。The bad thing is that too much exposure of their private life may bring danger to bloggers. If people have the habit the record where they have been all the time, then others will know their track. Some bad guys will follow bloggers and may hurt them.

不好的事情就是过多的曝光他们的私生活可能会给博客使用者带来危险。如果人们有随时记录自己在哪里的习惯,然后别人就会知道他们的行踪。一些坏人会跟踪博客使用者,可能给他们带来伤害。The internet is a place where people can exercise their imagination. Many people edit their real lives and experiences to satisfy their imagination. But they must notice not to let out too much privacy.


天津高考英语作文 篇七







1. 词数不少于100;

2. 请勿提及真实学校姓名

3. 可适当的加入细节,以使内容充实,行文连贯;

4. 开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


副主席:vice president

竞选: run for

Good afternoon,my dear friends,

English Club.

I am responsible,sociable,and easy-going by nature. Additionally, I have varied interests,I love singing and playing the drums as well as soccer. I am also a good listener and always open to different opinions. I am confident that I can do the job well.

If I am selected as vice president of our English Club, I will organize all kinds of activities to enrich our school life. I will host an English lecture every week, inviting our experienced English teachers and our students who do well in English to give advice on learning English. An English Evening will be held every other week, allowing us a stage to show our talents.

At the same time, I will organize exchange activities between schools, we will hold debate competitions and speech contests, through these activities, we will create an English atmosphere so that everyone in our school will improve their English studies.

I believe I am the right person for this post and I hope to have your support and vote. Thank you.
