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Hi。I am Amy。I like summer best。It is sunny and hot。I can swim in summer。Which season do you like best?读书破万卷,下笔如有神,本文是细致的小编给家人们整编的15篇my favourite season的相关范文。

我最喜欢的季节英语作文秋天 篇一

Miss Qiu quietly arrived in the world, feeling particularly curious and thinking of going around to take a look.

Autumn girl came to the orchard and took out a magical pen from her arms. She painted the apples red, the grapes purple, and the oranges orange... People rushed to the orchard to pick fruits, and the orchard was extremely lively. Autumn girl saw that everyones faces were smiling and flowers were blooming, so she left happily.

Autumn girl came to the field, and she used magic to put a golden coat on the rice ears, a fiery red sweater on the sorghum, and a golden cotton coat on the corn... When the farmer uncle saw that the crops in the field were ripe, he quickly took tools to harvest, and his face showed the joy of a bountiful harvest.

Autumn girl once again arrived at the high mountain, waving her hand to dye the grass on the mountain dry yellow, wearing a red and colorful hat on the maple tree, and wearing a new yellow outfit on the ginkgo tree... It was extremely beautiful. If you look up at the high mountain, the maple forest is like a sea of fire.

Autumn girl walked and walked into the garden, letting colorful chrysanthemums bloom, white like snow, red like fire, blue like the sea... These chrysanthemums are all singing heartily, cheering for the arrival of autumn. Various chrysanthemums dance gracefully in the breeze, each blooming and competing for beauty. From a distance, these colorful chrysanthemums are like a sea of flowers.

Autumn girl came to the lively forest again and called out the cute little squirrels to quickly store winter food. She woke up the little ants again, hoping that they could fill the open nest with food, so that they could have a safe winter. Autumn girl saw the little green snake and the little hedgehog, both of whom were very tired. The kind autumn girl took out her musical instrument and played a cheerful lullaby for the small animals, so that the tired animals could sleep well... In the forest, there were busy figures, and everyone was busy preparing for the winter.

I love autumn, I really want to keep it!








五年级英语Myfavouriteseason教学反思 篇二

一 教学分析


人教课标版教材的的编写以话题为纲,以交际功能和语言结构为主线,逐步引导学生能够运用英语完成由实际意义的语言任务,即:话题---功能---结构------任务。本课是人教课标版小学英语五年级下册Unit 2 My Favorite Season第一课时,包括A部分Let's Learn ,Let's star,Let's find out。主要学习四季单词并且简单描述自己喜欢的季节。内容与学生的生活联系密切。符合小学生兴趣的需求,易于学生理解和掌握。第二单元主要话题之一是season,所以首先应让学生掌握四季单词的名称,这是十分重要的,也是必要的,是接下来的话题学习的基础。


小学生的模仿力和记忆力强,爱玩、爱唱、爱游戏、爱活动,他们学习英语的基本形式是模仿,这就要求教师选择合适的方法,让学生易于接受。五年级学生在已学习了两年英语之后,具备了一定的英语知识,有自己独到的思维意识,重视在群体或伙伴交往中的地位和作用。因此,采用表演,对话交流以及任务型的教学模式进行学习语言,运用语言是最恰当的。学生在第四册Unit 4中已进行过weather的认知和应用。在第五册Unit 3关于食物的话题中曾接触过What’s your favorite fruit?语句,对本课时内容有了一些相关知识的储备。



二 教学目标

(一)知识与技能目标 知识目标:

1.会听说读写本课四会单词:spring, summer, fall, winter, season 。

2.会听说认读句子:What’s your favourite season?并能在实际情景中进行运用。 能力目标:

1.能够用What’s your favourite season?询问并表达最喜欢的季节。

2.引导学生注重小组合作学习,培养沟通和交流的。能力,让学生有兴趣用英语表达,能积极参加与课堂活动。 (二)过程与方法目标

运用交互式电子白板、flash、图片、视频等多媒体的方法与手段;通过创设情境、小组合作、TPR活动,等多种形式;采取激励策略,任务型教学和多层次评价促使学生多说、多练;在快乐、自主、合作、探究中学会关于季节的句型。 (三)情感态度、学习策略及文化目标:


三 教学重点和教学难点:


1.能够听说读写:spring, summer, fall, winter, season 等单词

2.能够听说认读句子:What’s your favourite season?并能在实际情景中进行运用。 难点:

1.“spring” “fall”的发音。

2.使学生能在真实的语境中熟练运用“What’s your favourite season?”

四 教学过程: (一)教学流程图

教师活动 学生活动


整合点一 动画说唱,激发兴趣

Step 1: Let’s chant and review

1、播放Let’s chant:(四年级下册Unit4) Mmm! It’s warm today! Take off your jacket! Phew! It’s hot today! Put on your T-shirt! Oooh! It’s cool today! Put on your sweater! Brrr! It’s cold today! Put on your coat! 配上形象的动作说唱,充分调动学生的积极性。


2、Use “ask and answer ”to lead in new lesson.


T:Which words about weather can you hear? (warm、hot、cool、cold)复习以前学过的内容。 T:What’s the weather like today?(It’s warm .) T:What’s your favorite weather ? (Warm days)

T: Do you know any other weather ? ( rainy , sunny , cloudy , snowy , windy)

教师呈现四季图片:What’s the weather like in this picture ? And what about this one ?教师将学生的回答有意识的分成四季进行板书,并将图片贴在相应的位置上。


整合点二 利用动画 趣学新知

学习四个季节的单词: (1) 播放动画和图片

T: We know there are four seasons in a year . Today we’ll learn something about season.

1、让学生猜出season的汉语意思,并尝试发音[si:], [zn]→[’si:zn]


Now look at the screen carefully, then answer my questions: What season is it?(播放春天动画) 学生认真看动画,回答问题。

T: 点击声音:“What season is it? ” T: It's spring. (教授单词spring ) T: Do you like spring? Why?

S3: Yes.The spring is green and warm,the flowers bloom.

(教师出示一首歌谣Spring,spring,spring,spring is green with flowers and songs.教师和学生一起吟唱。) 教学其他季节单词方法同上。





T:Ok, we know there are four seasons in a year, but my favorite season is spring, what's your favorite season?(板书句型并且教学)

Ss: ...

T: What's the weather like in...? Ss: It's...


整合点三 趣味操练 灵活运用

分层练习,从A – B –C 由易到难:

Task A: let’s guess / Let’s play / Let’s interview


Task B: Let’s make


整合点四 巩固拓展 分享收获

My favourite season英语作文 篇三

Some students like flowers, bloom in spring, some classmates like flowers in full bloom, the scorching sun of summer, some classmates like colorful autumn cold, university, and I do believe some schoolmates also like season is fruitful, fruits, autumn - autumn.

Autumn sister waving a magic wand in the hand, the colorful autumn dress up.

Golden autumn is a harvest season, look! On the other side of the orchard of apple is big and red, like a small lantern YiZhanZhan covered with branches. That yellow big pear bent the waist, and all the branches like a gourd as attractive. That these grapes on the grape also not to be outdone, like pearls, agate, let a person look after will be salivating.

Autumn is the harvest season, the fields of sorghum red, like a little girl did something wrong. The timid corn sister hid in the thousands of little house was heard outside, cant help but put his little head out. Soybean mother smile cracked lips, naughty beanie babies they rush to enjoy the beautiful autumn scenery.。. Hundred million Long Gongmu - million Long Wenxue,

Autumn is the season of flowers, you see! Although many flowers have withered, Chinese rose still show a sweet smile, hardy resists the frost chrysanthemums is just open. Chrysanthemum flower peony, as though there is no wealth, nor as fragrant roses, but it is the symbol of autumn. Look! The yellow like gold, red like fire, white like snow, powder like xia chrysanthemum, blossom. That string also not to be outdone, dragged out red flowers, from a distance, like a ball of flames burning torches on the other side of the ginkgo tree leaves above the wind blows, as only butterflies dancing in the air.

Autumn, a symbol of the mature, you mean that harvest, you are the plants and trees concert a host. Autumn I love you ah, I praise you fall, you brought me endless joy, let my life is full of joy.







英语作文 篇四

To be or nor to be, that is a question. To succeed or to fail? How to succeed and how to achieve? These problems confuse many teenagers in nowadays.

We all have dreams, and we all work hard to realize them. But there will always be some problems and setbacks to stop the pace of advance. When they appear, what should we do? To stop or to go on? Mrs. Curie told us the answer. We all know that Mrs. Curie discovered radium, but how many people really know how hard she worked? At that time, there were many people disapprove of Mrs. Curie. Although she got over hundreds of difficulties, she still believed in herself and never gave up. Finally, she succeeded to discover radium. She proved that she was right by her continuous hard work and her strong spirit. We should learn from Mrs. Curie. She told us the truth through her own experiences that believe in yourself, you can do it! Never give up, face the difficulties with a smile, someday, you will be proud of yourself.

The key to success is confidence. It makes you brave, helps you get over the troubles, and brings motivation to you. For example, somebody always get nervous when they have an important speech, if they are in a nervous mood, the results are always terrible. But if they are confident to themselves, the results turn out to be better. Therefore, be confident, believe in yourself, keep smile in your face when comes to difficulties, and you will achieve more.




My Favorite Season英语作文 篇五

My favorite season is winter. People view winter as harsh and cold and bitter. I do not see winter the same way they do. I feel winter is meaningful, because winters cold reminds me of the warmth I have around me. I feel winter is fun, because I can play with snow. I feel winter is friendly because I do not have to endure the harsh rains and the possibility of being wet. Just the soft snow that falls gently upon my shoulders.

我最爱的季节英语作文 篇六

My favourite season is autumn. The weather in autumn is neither hot nor cold, it's so cool, that makes people feel very suitable. Also it is the season that people can get the harvest of the crops from the field. We can go to fly kites in autumn 。

My Favourite Season优秀作文 篇七

Of all the four seasons, I like autumn best. It is a beautiful and harvest season.

In autumn,the weather is cool and dry and the sky is blue, so many people like to have a picnic. Children like flying kites on windy days.Autumn also makes countryside and mountains look very different from the other seasons.Leaves start falling from the tree. Some leaves become yellow or red. The weather get cooler. Some animals are getting ready for the winter.

The Mid-Autumn Day comes in autumn.It is an important festival in China.All the members of the family will have a family get together,looking at the moon and eating the mooncakes. We can eat a lot of fruits in autumn.

Because autumn is a picture full of the golden colour,so I love autumn!

我最喜欢的季节英语作文春天 篇八

"Look forward, look forward, the east wind is coming, and the pace of spring is approaching" In Zhu Ziqings writing, spring is really cute like a child. I like this vigorous spring just like Zhu Ziqing.

Little grass looked up and saw spring

A touch of tender green grass emerged from the land, breaking the silence created by the cold winter. This is the first green of spring. Since the small grass was born underground, he has had a belief: to be the first green of spring, and with this belief, it has worked hard to take root and sprout. Capturing all the water and nutrients that could be absorbed, in order to fulfill his dream, he put in several times more effort than other grasses. They didnt know the grasss efforts, and even said that this grass was "crazy". And now countless envious glances followed it, and it couldnt help but straighten its chest, they saw spring!

The tree looked up and saw spring

Among the "Kuteng Old Tree" and "Kuteng Old Tree", there were several that had already left their time, and a few green buds appeared on the trees. After leaving, they entered a new era: spring. They bid farewell to the ugly withered branches and leaves, put on their proud green clothes again, proudly straightened their backs, and spread more vitality for spring. In less than a month, the vitality of the mountains and fields was completely different from the previous withered yellow. All the trees looked up, and they saw the azure blue sky, it was spring!

The flower looked up and saw spring

Peach tree, apricot tree, pear tree, you wont let me, I wont let you all come full of flowers. Red like fire, pink like rosy clouds, white like snow. The vast majority of flowers bloom in spring. The wind is blowing them recklessly, with a few pale gray clouds hanging in the blue sky. "Good rain knows the season," and the spring rain is quietly falling. Sand, sand, every drop of spring rain is unique to spring, with vibrant vitality. After a night of spring rain. The flowers appear delicate and charming, with crystal dewdrops hanging on each petal, which is the unique atmosphere of spring. Every flower, after the baptism of spring, is always so beautiful. They look up and feel grateful for spring. Thank you, spring!

The pitch black night of spring accompanies my soul, with a white and jade like moon embedded in it, and my heart enjoys it in this spring.









My favourite season英语作文 篇九

Some people like the spring when everything recovers, some people like the summer when its hot, and some people like the winter when its snowy, while I like the autumn when its fruitful.

On a sunny day, every child runs out, feels the embrace of the earth, and lies on the ground as if on the golden carpet. We ran in the crowd, hiding behind the big trees. Grandpa Feng whistled past brother maple leaf, which made him fall down. Brother maple leaf ran across the road, across the lake, across the crowd, and never escaped my hand.

When it rained, the children were "imprisoned" in the house. People were not walking on the street, but hiding at home and sleeping. The street where people came and went became very cold. And maple leaf brother was hit by raindrops, some were knocked down, some were swept away by sanitation workers in garbage trucks.

In the cloudy day, Grandpa Feng ran and ran hard, and the God was calm, as if the end of the world had come. The grass bent, listless, and the flowers lowered their heads, but the naughty children had already come out to play, only the strong soldiers stood guard there.

Autumn, is a beautiful season, autumn, is a harvest season, fruits, farmers are busy harvesting, sweating. But the joy of the harvest made them forget their tiredness.

In autumn, it is gorgeous and colorful, with layers of trees dyed; in autumn, fruits and fruits are fragrant and grains are plentiful; in autumn, wild geese fly south and mountains and rivers are magnificent. Ah! Autumn, you are irreplaceable.

My Favorite Season英语作文 篇十

My name is Han Dong. I am from a small village. My favourite season is summer. In summer, I can do lots of things. I often go swimming in the in the river with my friends. We are all good at swimming. The water in the river is cool. There are lots of fish in the river, too. We often catch fish and cook them. Sometimes we climb up trees to watch the babies of the birds. And sometimes we make hats with grass and flowers. Summer is really interesting, isn’t it?

我最喜欢的季节英语作文 篇十一

Winter is my favorite season. After each season, it ushers in a winter full of snow and pure flavor. Although walking in the cold wind in winter will be biting, I still like it and the new clothes it wears - snow.

Some people say that harvesting in autumn and storing in winter is the best way to make people happy and settle their mood. The harvest in autumn witnessed the efforts, and the hiding in winter was to accumulate strength, and the earth gradually became cold. Everything begins to hide, which is the characteristic of winter.

The winter wind is not as gentle as the spring wind, like a mother's hand touching you, but like a sharp blade, cold and sharp.

Winter snow is my favorite. It is white and noble. It is very cold and noble. It makes people feel dangerous. But it is also very shy. If you touch it, it will disappear in your hands. This winter's snow can be regarded as a lot of laughter for those innocent children.

In winter, adults will stay at home because the weather is too cold and biting. But children don't, they are most looking forward to playing in the snow, of course, I am no exception. We will have snowball fights in the snow, make snowmen, and various games, which will make us forget how cold the snow is.

After the snowy winter, it is spring. The temperature will gradually warm up, everything is waking up, the grass will also poke its head out of the thick snow pile, and the willow will also pull out its long and thin branches. People are obsessed with the vitality and hope of spring, but ignore that these are the results of the brewing and precipitation of winter, so silently accumulate strength.

However, I still like winter.

Because the winter snow, although high and cold, noble, is also very pure.

Because we feel very cold in winter, but it also makes us feel happy.

Because the past of winter will usher in infinite vitality.

我最喜欢的季节英语作文秋天 篇十二

I have a favorite season. She is wearing a long golden dress, a bright red hairpin, and a sweet smile on her face. Who is she? She is Miss Qiu.

Autumn girl came to the park, and the chrysanthemums on Park Road were in full bloom, including golden, orange, and fiery red. The leaves of the maple tree floated down, and with a touch of her finger, the autumn girl turned them into stamps, floating and floating, sending the coolness of autumn. The cypress tree stands tall and upright in autumn, demonstrating its evergreen ability for thousands of years!

What sound? Boom boom, boom boom, it rained cats and dogs. It turned out to be raindrops welcoming Autumn Girl. Autumn Girl waved her cane, and the raindrops fell on the fields. Rice smiled and bent over, and the small raindrops fell on the small river, as if playing music, ticking and ticking... gently rippling in the quiet valley.

Miss Qiu came to the orchard, and there was a Dafengshou (Salad of assorted fresh vegetables) harvest of fruit in the orchard! Apples, peaches, snow pear, and big green watermelons. How many! It has exhausted the farmer uncle. The red apple suddenly fell into the embrace of Mother Earth, and the pink and tender little face of the peach was truly adorable. The big watermelon rolled onto the lawn, exhausting it. In fact, it should also lose weight. Snow pear looks like a lovely Ginseng baby with a fat face and a round belly. I really want to take a bite.

In the rice field, Grandpa Corn hunched his back and hugged his grandson. The green rice swayed its long braids in the autumn wind, and the golden rice was picked into large pockets, with grains of rice being collected into baskets. This is the result of the farmers uncles hard work. How great this is!

How happy we are in autumn. This is my favorite season. Which season do you like?







我最喜欢的季节英语作文秋天 篇十三

On a late autumn morning, when I open the door, the world is filled with golden fallen leaves, thick and soft, gently stepping on them like walking on a goose down blanket. Careful experience is like a fairy like dream, which often makes me forget everything around me.

Some people like tender leaves, others like green leaves, but I happen to like the golden leaves of autumn. They never boast, do not seek praise, come silently, walk silently, complete their own path, do everything they need to do, or turn into ashes, or become black soil for the greenery of next year, still in silence and tranquility.

I remember it was a late autumn morning when I took a walk in the autumn wind. The leaves on the ground are golden and yellow, and stepping on them makes a creaking sound that is extremely interesting. Suddenly, I saw a person sweeping the floor by the roadside. It was an aunt with thick eyebrows and big eyes, wearing a big red dress. About 40 years old, it doesnt look like a Cleaner. I quickly stepped forward to talk to her.

Auntie, why are you sweeping the floor here? "I asked.

She replied, "There will be many fallen leaves in autumn. If we dont sweep the streets, they will become dirty. I have already been laid off, so why dont we clean the streets if we have nothing to do

After listening to this, I suddenly understood a truth: the streets can not be cleaned by Cleaner, but by ourselves. You should learn from this aunt and keep yourself clean.

Isnt an ordinary aunt as admirable as the obscure green leaves?

From then on, whenever autumn comes, I will think of that aunt; Whenever I see fallen leaves all over the ground, I also think of that aunt.

Oh! Autumn, I love you!


有人喜欢嫩叶,有人喜欢绿叶,而我却偏偏喜欢这秋天金黄的落叶。她们从不自夸,不求赞美,无声地来,无声地走,走完了自己该走的路,做完了自己该做的一切,或化为灰烬,或为明年绿树更加葱 郁甘于成为黑土,依然是一片沉默、安详。

记得那是一个深秋的早晨我迎着秋风去散步。满地的落叶金黄金黄的,踩上去,发出咯吱咯吱的声音有趣极了。突然我看见一个人在路旁扫地,那是位阿姨,浓眉大眼,穿着一件大红色的连衣裙。大概 四十岁左右,看样子不像是清洁工人。我连忙上前去与她搭话。







我最喜欢的季节英语作文 篇十四

Summer is my favorite season. There are not only ice cream air conditioners and barbecues, but also swimming pools. Although summer is hot, it is more happy and happy.

My little friend and I carry a bag with ice water and snacks in it, and a small basket. We are going to catch fish and snails in the river. We squatted on the rocks and fished into the water. There were some small snails and shrimps. After a round trip, I found swarms of shrimps and crayfish in a hole. The water was rippled, and the sun shone into the hole. There were golden lights in the water, and the water made a tinkling sound. I saw the grass swaying left and right in the water, and the sand was blown by the wind. I picked up the feeling of sand in my hand, and with the cool summer wind, it rose and fell in my hand, It is refreshing to smell the fresh and sweet smell from the nose to the heart. I fell down accidentally and fell into the water. It was sweet and cool. My mouth seemed to be sublimated and integrated into the nature.

At noon, Grandma washed the vegetables and shrimps and snails, and then brought them into the kitchen. Through the window, I saw her familiar stir-frying, steaming and frying. I smelled the sweet and salty taste, and heard the "zizi" sound of the food being fried in the pot. After the meal was prepared, Grandma brought it out and I touched the oil and spilled it on my hand. I couldn't wait to taste it. It was very delicious. My mouth was fried and the source of the food was discussed in succession. I opened a bottle of ice drink and drank it, because in this summer, only a glass of ice drink can quench my thirst. After I finished eating, I went to the village for a walk. The children and the elderly played cards under the wutong tree and talked about the harvest in the farmland. Even in summer, they could not stop their happiness.

In the afternoon, the weather gradually calmed down. In the cool weather, the busy children and farmers drove cattle home. After dinner, the wutong tree at the head of the village became lively again. The parents danced in the square, and some just fanned and played chess. The beautiful day ended.

My favourite season英语作文及翻译 篇十五

In the four seasons, I like winter best.

In winter, since the ancient times in people's minds is a proud jie unruly, is cold. However, the environment, in such a world of ice and snow and it stubbornly alive...

First time to see it, is a winter morning, I without stop in a small yard, see the life. Suddenly, I saw in the deserted impost, a petite strains plum blossom in the cold wind dance. My heart does it one brace up, it is not in the spring and flowers bloom duo spoil, and to people in this cold winter brought a glimmer of warmth. This how much courage, how many hardships.

I can't help squat body, suddenly felt a faint scent.

It has a thick branches, the surface is uneven, as if through the vicissitudes of life. A light yellow flowers adorn the withered branches, I can't help entering, five small petals form a complete bud, which contain the vitality.

Ah! The plum blossom, the representative of the cold, snow elves, one thousand years is how many people praise! How many ghost town? "Mei must be three points of Snow White, snow but lose a sweet." "there is no absolute world, only the plum blossom in the snow." you deserve to "cold three gentlemen".

Plum blossom incense from the experience, do not experience wind and rain, how can see rainbow. Our life is the same, not pay hard sweat, how can the rich fruits. We now is the struggle stage, again painstakingly again tired, also want to the past. Because we were expecting her bud, waiting for the moment in full bloom.

Cold winds alone put snow of winter sweets, you are our role model!








