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《海底两万里》英语读后感 篇一

Having finished reading this novel which named20000 Leagues Under The Sea,I was deeply impressed by the great advance with the captain Nimo.

Captain Parrot conch Nimo is a mystery figure ,he is a gloomy ,knowledgeable person.

He and his seamen narigate in the South Pole area.Unfortunately,on their way back home,They find they are in a place where iceberg are all around .But they use their own wisdom to overcome the difficult and save their lives.

This great book present us many brave figures.Though they are in great danger,They can always keep calm and face the situation.It reminds me of my own way to solve the problems.In my young age.I always depend on my family to finish almost everything instead of completing them on my own.When I grow up,I can do something on my own as a student.But being a student is just a part of my life,I play many roles in my life,I should always be responsible for all of my task. So lack of confidence and courage make me feel weak and anxiety.In my subconscious,only with other"s help,judging,teaching can I overcome a great difficult I think on my way to success. When I face such situation alone.I always try at first but soon find it hard to solve and finally deny my ability.

I think the captain and seamen has encouraged me.They show their faith to live and the strength we human being have.They are brave enough so that they can use their intelligence.So, Next time when I think I am unable to do it,I will try more and use my heart to do it.I try to be a brave man.

英语名著读后感 篇二

On Sister Carrie Carrie was such an ordinary rural girl at the beginning of the story. Sitting on the seat of a bus she couldn’t help feeling exciting at the sight of the metropolis’ spectacle. She was impressed deeply by large crowd on the avenue the spacious square or tall buildings. Far more different from other heroines Carrie was not a plain pure angel like Snow-white nor was she brave enough to be a heroine of revolutionist or even a reformer nor was she so clever as to be a successful career woman who start from scratch.

What attracted her most after her entering this huge metropolis was the incredible fineries fashion shoes smart handbags displaying in the shop windows the jewellerys shining brightly behind the glass. She dreamed that one day she could wear all of these jogging gracefully into the most luxurious hotel with focused sights of admiration. And this was not merely a dream. Because she had large eyes which can earn others’ sympathy even love. She had wonderful figure which can win others’ hearts. However anything she got anywhere she reached had not come from her ambition.

Things happened and then she accepted. That’s what she had just done ? just to accept willingly from the bottom of her heart. She was not at all an evil woman who would give anything for the fortune or fame. However she would give uo something for a better life when her instinct defeated her intellect.

That was Carrie a girl had her own desire a human being just like many others in the realistic world.There’s one sentence written in chapter VIII:” When this jangle of free-will instinct shall have been adjusted when perfect understanding has given the former the power to replace the latter entirely man will no longer vary.” However how many people can go that further.

英美文学名著经典读后感 篇三











四大名著英语读后感 篇四

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a classical literary masterpiece in China. It describes a series of short stories from the end of the Han Dynasty to the unification period of the Southern Song Dynasty, and describes more than 100 stories. Among them, Guan Yunchang and Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms are the most unforgettable ones.

Let's start with Guan Yunchang. He is very loyal to Liu Bei of the Three Kingdoms. He once gave up fame and fortune, passed five passes, killed six generals, and rode a thousand miles on his own to follow his rich brother. This shows his great loyalty, and even more his feelings among brothers. If other people change, they will definitely ask Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms for his fame and wealth. After all, this is not dishonest money. What's more, Liu Bei of the Three Kingdoms has not made a fortune at this time, and Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms has millions of soldiers. Why not try?

Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms is also admirable. He goes all out to help Liu Bei. Without him, the historical time will eventually change, and it is not easy for the world to have three legs. Liu Bei of the Three Kingdoms told Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms before his death that my child was a dou who could not hold the wall with mud. If you really can't help him, take his place. However, Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms did not do that. He was just as loyal and devoted as ever.

The Three Kingdoms is a period of war in Xinye. The Three Kingdoms is a period of confrontation. It is also a period of heroism and loyalty.

四大名著英语读后感 篇五

Journey to the West is based on a folk story about Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty learning scr iptures from the West. It uses light and humorous language to create the image of the Monkey King who is powerful and brave to resist, reflecting the people's desire to break free from personal bondage and pursue freedom.

In this book, Monk Sha impressed me most.

He stands aloof from the rest of the world and works hard. Although there are not many plots in the story, the story cannot go on without him. When Monkey King and Pig Bajie go out to fight against monsters, they need him to protect their master; When Monkey King quarreled with Pig Bajie, he was asked to mediate. Moreover, Monk Sha does all the work like carrying luggage. I admire his spirit.

However, in our life, isn't it just the lack of this spirit?

In today's society, there are too few "old scalpers" like Monk Sha! Whoever is honest and kind is easy to be cheated! Think about the era of reform and opening up! At that time, China would have taken such a firm and steady step on the road of reform and opening up because of such hard-working talents! It is precisely because of such talents that we will lay a solid foundation for socialist construction!

It is not only the wonderful language of Journey to the West that makes us ponder, but also the spirit of Nusha Monk!

四大名著英语读后感 篇六

Journey to the West is an ancient myth. I like Journey to the West very much. I watched the cartoon Journey to the West again during the winter vacation.

In Journey to the West, Tang Monk, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha are all familiar with it. Among them, my favorite is the Monkey King! Because he is always clever, helpful, and able to distinguish between good and bad people, to guard Tang Monk and his brothers. He is just like our current people's police, who has a burning eye, catches the bad and saves the good, and always protects us. Maybe because Tang Monk didn't use his head when he was in trouble and blindly accepted others' help, sometimes he would not listen to the good advice of Monkey King and fall into the hands of monsters. This is enough to show that we should use our brains when we are in trouble. If we don't use our brains and listen to other people's bad opinions, it will be worse. I also like Zhu Bajie very much. He is a simple but lovely person. He will not come up with some good methods, but he has a sense of justice. He will do whatever he wants to do. He will protect his master's safety regardless of his own safety. He seems a little stupid, but people think he is stupid and cute. We should learn from his courage to fear the enemy. However, some things should be carefully considered before doing them, and we should distinguish what can be done and what can not be done, and we should do it according to our own strength.

In a word, each of the four masters and disciples has their own strengths and weaknesses. It is just the saying that "when three people walk together, there must be my teacher." We should learn from their strengths, and even their weaknesses must be checked to see if they also have them. If they do, we should work hard to correct them and become a whole.

名著英语读后感 篇七

Ialways wanted to read this famous book - I wanted to read it when I was inschool, but I always missed each other and didn't see it. I finished readingtoday, but I was a little disappointed. I don't know why Cervantes created suchan image of a "madman"。

Don Quixote was a declining aristocrat. He was addicted to Knights' novelsand became obsessed with them. He found a pair of armor and rode on a skinny oldhorse. He began his imaginary journey of supporting justice and wandering theJianghu. He is a pure and stubborn idealist, living in fantasy. In other words,he is a completely stubborn lunatic. He regarded windmills as giants, sheep asenemies, convicts as knights, and a common village woman as his hit the wall, often head broken blood but unswervingly, infatuated.It's his servant sangqiu, who is fat and timid and greedy for a small price, whois still a normal man with flesh and blood. He will take advantage of hismaster's craziness and paranoia, play a little cleverness, and seize theopportunity to increase some benefits for himself. He is a real living man. Justlike this, two other living treasures, a pair of unimaginable masters andservants, staged a funny farce for us. One of the most amusing scenes is that inthe dark night, sangqiu is afraid to hold his master's thigh all the time anddare not give up. However, he is eager to describe courteously, which is reallyvivid and vivid.

The most touching ones in the book are some of Don Quixote's good friends.They never give up on Old Tang. They must try their best to cure his madness.They have used violent means - to put the old Tang in a cage and escort him homewith arms; they have used the means of burning books and "pit" Confucianism - toburn all the Knights' novels in the old Tang family and even seal the study;they have used the means of concealing the sky and the sea - to pretend to be aknight, to pretend to be a princess in distress and so on, all in order to pullthe old Tang from fantasy to reality. They really mean to their friends,especially for such a "terminally ill" crazy friend. They didn't give up, andeven were wrongly wounded and beaten by old Tang. Life can have such a fewfriends, enough!

Ijust don't know the background of the times. I don't know what theintention of this episode is that some sangqiu, who was governor of the islandfor several days, handled several cases cleanly and fairly, but was forced toresign at last.

四大名著英语读后感 篇八

Speaking of Journey to the West, he is a novel with mythical themes written by Wu Cheng'en, and one of the four masterpieces in ancient China. It's a long road and many years' journey. The four masters and disciples went to the West to learn from the Buddhist sc riptures after going through the ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties in order to save all living beings.

Although Tang Monk did not know martial arts, he was very kind and upright. During the process of learning scri ptures, he was kind and generous, not confused by wealth, not afraid of death and conquest. He was a persistent Buddhist and Taoist who never gave up in order to achieve his goal. That was why he finally achieved positive results.

I like Monkey King best. Although he is a naughty monkey and his bad nature remains unchanged, he is smart and capable, brave and good at fighting. He dares to fight with monsters and ghosts and solve all difficulties and struggles on the long way to learn from them. On the way to learn from the experience, I slowly changed my bad temper and made myself better.

In the story, Zhu Bajie does not have the supernatural ability of Sun Wukong, which gives people the image of being lazy. However, he has also made great achievements in the way of learning from the West, and has been recognized by everyone with his practical actions.

Look at the diligent and silent Monk Sha, who is carrying a heavy burden on the long way to learn s criptures, but has no complaints. He is only sincere and hardworking, and is an indispensable loyal defender of Tang Monk's learning scri ptures.

After reading this book, I realized that as long as we study hard and overcome the difficulties that hinder us, we will be satisfied with the results. In the new semester, I will study hard, overcome the problem of laziness, get rid of the habit of slow homework, and strive to achieve satisfactory results.

英语名著读后感 篇九

Sense and Sensibility was the first Jane Austen published. Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme: the necessity of finding a workable middle ground between passion and reason. The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. Whereas the former is a sensible, rational creature, her younger sister is wildly romantic--a characteristic that offers Austen plenty of scope for both satire and compassion. Commenting on Edward Ferrars, a potential suitor for Elinors hand, Marianne admits that while she "loves him tenderly," she finds him disappointing as a possible lover for her sister.

Soon however, Marianne meets a man who measures up to her ideal: Mr. Willoughby, a new neighbor. So swept away by passion is Marianne that her behavior begins to border on the scandalous. Then Willoughby abandons her; meanwhile, Elinors growing affection for Edward suffers a check when he admits he is secretly engaged to a childhood sweetheart. How each of the sisters reacts to their romantic misfortunes, and the lessons they draw before coming finally to the requisite happy ending forms the heart of the novel. Though Mariannes disregard for social conventions and willingness to consider the world well-lost for love may appeal to modern readers, it is Elinor whom Austen herself most evidently admired; a truly happy marriage, she shows us, exists only where sense and sensibility meet and mix in proper measure.

This article is from internet, only for studying!

四大名著英语读后感 篇十

Recently, I was reading Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms. When I read "Zhuge Liang Burning Bowang Slope", I couldn't help admiring his ingenuity.

He sent Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to ambush, 1000 people from each generation were ready to ignite, Liu Bei was ready to reinforce, and finally Zhao Yun was sent to be the vanguard, only to lose but not to win. After that, let someone prepare the celebration dinner immediately.

When everyone saw that he was full of confidence, they were not sure.

Everything was ready, and Xia Houdun's troops and horses were killed soon. Suddenly, a gun went off, and fire broke out on both sides of the army, burning most of Xia Houdun's troops and horses. Some others trampled on each other to death, and some were killed by Zhao Yun's army. Bowangpo won the first battle.

Later, everyone asked Zhuge Liang how he was sure to win the battle? He smiled and said, "There are many reeds on Bowang Slope. It's better to attack with fire." It turns out that the reason for this victory is so simple that you can figure it out with a little brain work.

However, I am not as good at using my head as Zhuge Liang. I remember that I was working on an examination paper. Suddenly, when I encountered a math problem that I couldn't understand, I just read the problem roughly. I immediately left my seat to ask my parents how to do it. Later, I developed the bad habit of not using my head frequently. Compared with Zhuge Liang, I am extremely ashamed.

Therefore, I must learn from Zhuge Liang's diligent brain!

《金银岛英语》读后感 篇十一

The winter vacation, I read a famous adventure story book - "treasure island", which is the nineteenth Century British writer Stevenson wrote, "treasure island"。 Stevenson in the story, the vast sea, the desolate island created a Yizhenyihuan world to readers, leading the reader into a fantasy realm shrouded veil. The story happened in eighteenth Century, Geoff. Dr Hopkins is a small boy, he wants to go to sea treasure.

One day, an old captain died in the Bu Admiral Hotel, a boy named Jim to found the treasure island map in the luggage, and gave the squire started a fun trip, dealing with pirates, seaman, to experience all sorts of phenomena between sincere and crew faithful, hypocritical, cruel, witnessed scenes of a thrilling story. Reading this adventure story makes me feel a lot. The protagonist Geoff. Dr Hopkins is a timid child.

After his father died, he started a fun adventure, in exploration, at the beginning of Geoff is just a waiter in the cabin, but he has the courage to fight with the enemy, then the ship from the hands of pirates, and appointed captain. Although Geoff. Dr Hopkins often impulsive, but he has shown extraordinary courage and insight, enough to be impressed. Geoff. He Hopkins with courage and courage, a little timid and overcautious boy into a big hero. Sometimes we encounter problems, they stumble, dont try to explore solutions. We should learn from him, meet problems and try hard to solve them.

At the end of the story, when Geoff returned, he did not mention how much money he had received. Instead, he vowed not to hunt for treasure any more. He was often troubled by nightmares, dreaming of the sea and gold coins. Gold coins make Geoff have nightmares, not dreams of riches and honour. He who pursues material satisfaction only ends up in vain; greed and desire never bring good life. If everyone knew that, no one would do anything wrong for the sake of money.
